30 Miss. Code. R. 1601-4.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1601-4.2 - Definitions
A. "Agency" shall mean the relationship created when one person, the Principal (client), delegates to another, the agent, the right to act on his behalf in a real estate transaction and to exercise some degree of discretion while so acting. Agency may be entered into by expressed agreement, implied through the actions of the agent and or ratified after the fact by the principal accepting the benefits of an agent's previously unauthorized act. An agency gives rise to a fiduciary relationship and imposes on the agent, as the fiduciary of the principal, certain duties, obligations, and high standards of good faith and loyalty.
B. "Agent" shall mean one who is authorized to act on behalf of and represent another. A real estate broker is the agent of the principal (client) to whom a fiduciary obligation is owed. Salespersons licensed under the broker are subagents of the Broker, regardless of the location of the office in which the salesperson works.
C. "Client" shall mean the person to whom the agent owes a fiduciary duty. It can be a seller, buyer, landlord, tenant or both.
D. "Compensation" is that fee paid to a broker for the rendering of services.

Compensation, when considered alone, is not the determining factor in an agency relationship. The relationship can be created regardless of whether the seller pays the fee, the buyer pays the fee, both pay the fee or neither pays a fee.

E. "Customer" shall mean that person not represented in a real estate transaction. It may be the buyer, seller, landlord or tenant.
F. "Disclosed Dual Agent" shall mean that agent representing both parties to a real estate transaction with the informed consent of both parties, with written understanding of specific duties and representation to be afforded each party. There may be situations where disclosed dual agency presents conflicts of interest that cannot be resolved without breach of duty to one party or another. Brokers who practice disclosed dual agency should do so with the utmost caution to protect consumers and themselves from inadvertent violation of demanding common law standards of disclosed dual agency.
G. "Fiduciary Responsibilities" are those duties due the principal (client) in a real estate transaction are:
(1) 'Loyalty' - the agent must put the interests of the principal above the interests of the agent or any third party.
(2) 'Obedience' - the agent agrees to obey any lawful instruction from the principal in the execution of the transaction that is the subject of the agency.
(3) 'Disclosure' - the agent must disclose to the principal any information the agent becomes aware of in connection with the agency.
(4) 'Confidentiality' - the agent must keep private information provided by the principal and information which would give a customer an advantage over the principal strictly confidential, unless the agent has the principal's permission to disclose the information. This duty lives on after the agency relationship is terminated.
(5) 'Reasonable skill, care and diligence' - the agent must perform all duties with the care and diligence which may be reasonably expected of someone undertaking such duties.
(6) 'Full accounting' - the agent must provide a full accounting of any money or goods coming into the agent's possession which belong to the principal or other parties.
H. "First Substantive Meeting" shall be:
(1) In a real estate transaction in which the Broker is the agent for the seller, first substantive meeting shall be before or just immediately prior to the first of any of the following:
(a) Showing the property to a prospective buyer.
(b) Eliciting confidential information from a buyer concerning the buyers' real estate needs, motivation, or financial qualifications.
(c) The execution of any agreements governed by Section 73-35-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated.
(2) For the seller's agent, the definition shall not include:
(a) A bona fide "open house" or model home showing which encompasses (1) (a) above only; however, whenever an event described in (1) (b) or (1) (c) occurs, disclosure must be made.
(b) Preliminary conversations or "small talk" concerning price range, location and property styles.
(c) Responding to general factual questions from a prospective buyer concerning properties that have been advertised for sale or lease.
(3) In a real estate transaction in which the Broker is the agent for the buyer, first substantive meeting shall be at the initial contact with a seller or a seller's agent or before or just immediately prior to the first of any of the following:
(a) Showing the property of a seller to a represented buyer.
(b) Eliciting any confidential information from a seller concerning their real estate needs, motivation, or financial qualifications.
(c) The execution of any agreements governed by Section 73-35-3 of the MS Code.
(4) For the buyer's agent, the definition shall not include:
(a) A bona fide "open House" or model home showing which encompasses (3) (a) above only; however, whenever an event described in (3) (b) or (3) (c) occurs, disclosure must be made.
(b) Preliminary conversations or "small talk" concerning price range, location and property styles.
(c) Responding to general factual questions from a prospective buyer concerning properties that have been advertised for sale or lease.
I. "Single Agency" shall mean a broker who has chosen to represent only one party to a real estate transaction. It may be either the buyer, seller, lessor or lessee or any party in a transaction governed by Section 73-35-3.

30 Miss. Code. R. 1601-4.2

§ Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-35-3