30 Miss. Code. R. 1401-1.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1401-1.4 - Polygraph Examiner Internship Rules And Regulations

The following rules and regulations pertaining to the internship program, under the Mississippi Board of Polygraph Examiners Act, Senate Bill No. 1987, shall be and are hereby designated the rules and regulations of this Board.

(1) Primary Intern: (Minimum of Twelve (12) months)

Applicant meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Polygraph Examiners Act, but not having completed an approved polygraph examiner school. (Schedule of training requirements available, upon request.)

(2) Advanced Intern: (Minimum of six (6) months)
(a) An applicant meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Polygraph Examiners Act, and,
(b) Having completed an approved polygraph school, and,
(c) Having passed a written examination administered by the Board of Polygraph Examiners or its designated representative.
(3) Advanced Intern Training and Supervision:
(a) Completion of American Polygraph Association approved polygraph examiner school.
(b) Or completion of primary internship program.
(c) Passing State polygraph examination with score of 70¢ or better. Applicants failing examination may retake such examination, only after showing proof of additional studies under instructor, who has been approved by this Board, or an approved school. Any applicant failing examination for the third time shall not be eligible to take another examination, until the expiration of a one (1) year period from the last failed examination.
(d) Advanced intern may conduct polygraph examination without the direct supervision of instructor/sponsor.
(e) Each sponsoring polygraph examiner shall submit progress reports to the Board every thirty (30) days, on forms provide by the Board.
(f) Sponsor shall be reasonably available to assist advanced intern and answer questions. Meetings between the sponsor and intern shall be conducted every thirty (30) days, to discuss progress and complete reports, as required by Section 3, Paragraph (e). (Meetings may be waived by the Board, in the event the sponsor is an approved school.)
(4) Qualification For Instructors And Sponsors
(a) Polygraph examiner licensed by the State of Mississippi for a period of three (3) or more consecutive years* and,
(b) Polygraph examiner who has administered at least 500 examination during the past three (3) years.*
(c) Instructor shall be limited to three (3) interns under their supervision, at any one time (unless otherwise approved by this Board.)
(d) No examiner shall be approved as an instructor/sponsor, if this Board has received reliable information and/or has reason to believe that this individual is not adaptable for this duty.
(e) An applicant is encouraged to intern under an examiner located in his immediate geographic area.

*(The three (3) years and 500 examinations may be waived by the Board)

REVISED: December 1, 1994

(These rules and regulations may be revised periodically at the discretion of the Board of Professional Polygraph Examiners of the State of Mississippi.)

30 Miss. Code. R. 1401-1.4

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-29-9