Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1-8.2 - Meetings, Organization, and DutiesRule 8.2.1. Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order insofar as such rules are compatible with the laws of the State governing the Board or its own resolutions as to its conduct. No Board action shall be invalidated by reasons of failure to comply with those rules.Rule 8.2.2. The Board shall meet on a regular basis, generally monthly, with no less than six formal board meetings annually.Rule 8.2.3. The Board shall elect from its members, a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of the Board for calendar year terms. Such election shall be held during the first regularly scheduled Board meetings of the calendar year, normally convened in January of each year.Rule 8.2.5. All actions of the Board are to be reflected in the minutes of the Board.Rule 8.2.6. Meetings may be called by any four (4) members of the Board or by its Chair.Rule 8.2.7. When present, the Chair shall preside at all meetings. The Chair shall appoint such committees as the Board may authorize and may delegate the signing of official documents. The Chair shall have overall responsibility for correspondence relating to enforcement; shall serve as the official spokesman of the Board; and shall have such other responsibilities as assigned and such other authority as conferred by the Board.Rule 8.2.8. The Vice Chair of the Board, in the absence of the Chair, shall perform the duties of the Chair as specified above and shall perform such other duties as the Board shall designate.Rule 8.2.9. The Secretary of the Board shall be responsible for the permanent records of the meetings and transactions of the Board, the maintenance of an attendance record, and the maintenance of records of all examinations, registrations, and license application. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the maintenance of a record of certificates issued to all certified public accountants, together with all necessary information relative thereto. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as in the judgment of the Board are necessary. Any of the duties of the Secretary may be delegated by action of the Board.Rule 8.2.10. Invalid Portions - If any subcategory, rule, regulation, sentence, clause, or phrase of these Rules and Regulations is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of such Rules and Regulations. The Board hereby declares that it would have adopted the rules, regulations and the subcategories, sentences, clauses or phrases thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the subcategories, rules, regulations, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.Rule 8.2.11. Effective Date - The Board Rules and Regulations shall govern all matters initiated after they take effect; and shall also govern all matters pending on the effective date, except to the extent that the Board shall determine that application to a particular pending matter would not be feasible or would work a substantial injustice in which event the procedure in effect prior to the effective date of the Rules and Regulations applies.Rule 8.2.12. In the interpretation and enforcement of the Rules and Regulations, the Board may consider relevant interpretations, rulings, and opinions issued by the Board of other jurisdictions and appropriate committees of professional organizations, but will not be bound thereby.Rule 8.2.13. The Executive Director, in conjunction with the Chair, shall prepare a written agenda for each Board meeting and distribute a copy of the agenda to each Board member. Miss. Code Ann. § 73- 33-5 (f)