30 Miss. Code. R. 1-4.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1-4.4 - Program Sponsors and Presentation Standards

Rule 4.4.1. CPE programs whether live or internet based programs must be conducted by persons whose background, training, education and experience qualify them as capable instructors, discussion leaders or lecturers on the subject matter of the particular programs. Instructors should be qualified both with respect to program content and teaching methods used. The instructor is a key ingredient in the learning process in any group program; therefore it is imperative that sponsors exercise great care in selecting qualified instructors for all group programs. Sponsors should evaluate the performance of instructors at the conclusion as described herein.

Rule 4.4.2

(a) Program sponsors must base learning activities on relevant learning objectives and outcomes that clearly articulate the knowledge, skills and abilities that can be achieved by participants in the learning activities.
(b) Programs sponsors should develop and execute learning activities in a manner consistent with the prerequisite education, experience, and/or advance preparation of participants.
(c) Program sponsors must use activities, materials and delivery systems that are current, technically accurate, and efficiently designed.
(d) Program sponsors must assure instructional methods employed are appropriate for the learning activities. Learning activities should be presented in manner consistent with the descriptive and technical materials provided.
(e) Programs sponsors must assure learning activities are reviewed by qualified persons other than those who developed them to make certain that the program is technically accurate and current and addresses the stated learning objectives. These reviews must occur before the first presentation of these materials and again after each significant revision of the CPE programs.
(f) Program sponsors must inform participants in advance of objectives, prerequisites, experience level, content, advance preparation, teaching methods, and recommended continuing professional education credit hours, as described in Rule 4.4.6. This should be accomplished through brochures or other announcements.
(g) Program sponsors must provide participants with documentation of participation, which includes:
(1)CPE program sponsor name and contact information.
(2)Participant's name.
(3)Course title.
(4)Course field of study.
(5)Date offered or completed.
(6)Location (if applicable).
(7)Type of instructional delivery method used.
(8)Amount of CPE credit recommended.
(9)Verification of program sponsor representative.
(h) Program sponsors must employ an effective means for evaluating learning activity quality with respect to content and presentation, as well as provide a mechanism for participants to assess whether learning objectives were met.

Rule 4.4.3. To facilitate participants" expectations that programs will increase professional competence, program sponsors should encourage participation only by individuals with appropriate education and/or experience. The term "education and/or experience" in the standard also implies that participants will be expected to complete any advance preparation. An essential step in encouraging advance preparation is timely distribution of program materials.

Rule 4.4.4. Program sponsors must retain adequate documentation for a minimum of five years after the date of the presentation or initial offering to support their compliance with these standards and their reports that may be required of participants. As a part of this documentation, a record of attendance shall be made and maintained. The records of attendance should reflect the CPE credit hours earned by each participant, including those who arrive late or leave early. All documentation shall be open to Board inspection on request of the Board. These records should include, but are not limited to:

(a) Location of course
(b) Title, description of content, and outline (or equivalent)
(c) Date(s)
(d) Instructor(s) with biography
(e) Number of credit hours
(f) Documentation of meeting requirements in Rule 4.4.2(h) above

Rule 4.4.5. Rescinded.

Rule 4.4.6. Calculations of Hours of Credit: The following standards will be used to measure the hours of credit to be given for acceptable continuing professional education:

(a) For purposes of CPE credit hours, 50 minutes of continuous participation in a program shall constitute one CPE credit hour. The shortest recognized program must consist of 10 minutes of continuous participation.

Rule 4.4.7. Program sponsors are responsible for compliance with all applicable standards and other CPE requirements. Any course or program offered or held out as a CPE program is subject to Board audit and monitoring to assure it meets these standards.

30 Miss. Code. R. 1-4.4

Amended 9/1/2019