30 Miss. Code. R. 1-4.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1-4.1 - Compliance Requirements and Reporting
Rule 4.1.1. To annually renew a CPA license, an individual must complete and report at a minimum, the 40 CPE credit hours required under this rule accrued during the applicable compliance & reporting period and on forms prescribed by the Board by August 1.
Rule 4.1.2. All licensees must report a minimum of 40 CPE credit hours within each one year (twelve month) compliance period ending June 30. Only 20 of the 40 hours may be from carry-over hours as referred to in Rule 4.1.4.
Rule 4.1.3. A minimum of three (3) CPE credit hours must be earned in a Board approved Ethics and Professional Conduct course(s) every three years. Also, a minimum of one (1) CPE credit hour must be earned in a Mississippi Public Accountancy Law and Regulations course every three years. No carry-over may be used to satisfy this requirement.
Rule 4.1.4. If more than 40 CPE credit hours are accumulated in a one year compliance period, the excess hours up to a maximum of 20 CPE credit hours may be carried over and applied to the CPE requirement for the immediately following one year compliance period.
Rule 4.1.5. An initial applicant for a license shall be exempt from earning CPE credit hours during the compliance period in which he obtains a license and exempt from the Ethics, Professional Conduct, and Mississippi Public Accountancy Law and Regulations CPE requirement for the remainder of that triennial compliance period. There is no provision for carry-over from a compliance period in which CPE was not required.
Rule 4.1.6. An individual who has applied and been granted by the Board the use of "CPA (retired)" or "Certified Public Accountant (retired)" as described in Rule 2.5., Retirement Status or Permanent Disability, is exempt from the CPE requirements described in this rule.
Rule 4.1.7. Rescinded.
Rule 4.1.8. Repeal.
Rule 4.1.9. The Board may in its discretion annually make exceptions to the CPE credit hour requirements set out in this rule if:
(a) a licensee's primary employment is not in Mississippi but is in a State whose CPE requirements are substantially equivalent to Mississippi's requirements as determined by the Board and the individual is a licensee in that State of primary employment and reports those CPE credit hours as required per Rule 4.2. with a sworn statement to the Board that the CPE requirements for that jurisdiction have been met. Except the individual must comply with the Ethics, Professional Conduct, Public Accountancy Law and Regulations CPE requirement unless his State of primary employment has an ethics CPE requirement and he complies with that requirement;
(b)a licensee shows reasons of health, certified by a medical doctor, that prevent compliance with the CPE requirement. A licensee must annually petition the Board for the exemption and provide documentation that clearly establishes the period of disability and the resulting physical limitations;
(c) a licensee is on extended active military duty during the period for which the exemption is requested, and files a copy of orders to active military duty with the Board;
(d)a licensee shows other good cause and reasons which prevent compliance that is acceptable to the Board.

30 Miss. Code. R. 1-4.1

Amended 10/16/2016
Amended 9/1/2019
Amended 11/1/2024