29 Miss. Code. R. 201-3.5

Current through October 10, 2024
Rule 29-201-3.5 - Conditions of Parole

An inmate will be required to comply with specific conditions once paroled. If the inmate violates any one of these conditions listed below, the Board may revoke the parole and require the inmate to serve additional time imposed by his or her original sentence.

A. FIRST REPORT: I will report to my field officer within 24 hours of my actual release, unless otherwise directed.
B. REGULAR REPORTS: I will, until my final discharge, report to my Field Officer at the times and places I am instructed to report. If at any time it becomes necessary to communicate to my Field Officer and he is not accessible, I will direct my communication to the Department of Community Corrections, Mississippi Department of Corrections, Jackson, MS (601-359-5600).
C. EMPLOYMENT: I will work diligently at a lawful occupation and support my legal dependents, if any, to the best of my ability. I will not quit my job without getting permission from my Field Officer.
D. RESIDENCE: I will not change my residence without first getting permission from my Field Officer. I will not abscond (leave) from parole supervision. I will allow my Field Officer to visit my residence.
E. LEAVING STATE: I will not leave my State of residence, even briefly, or any other state to which I am released or transferred without written permission from my Field Officer.
F. ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: I will not possess or use any illegal drugs, narcotics, mood altering substances, or any substances controlled by law which are not prescribed to me by a physician. I will not drink alcohol or intoxicating beverages and will not go into, or frequent places where they are the chief item of sale. Driving under the influence (DUI), or public intoxication, shall be sufficient proof. I will abide by the laws relative to tests utilized for the purpose of monitoring alcohol and drug usage.
G. PERSONS AND PLACES OF BAD REPUTATION: I will not knowingly associate with any former inmate of a penal institution, any person who has been convicted of a felony, or any person of bad reputation. I will not visit places of bad reputation where disorderly conduct is likely to occur or which is frequented by persons of ill repute (bars, lounges, night clubs, gambling houses, etc.)
H. WEAPONS: I will not possess or have under my control any fire arm or other deadly weapon.
I. LAW AND IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION: I will not violate any city, county, State or Federal Laws. I will, within 48 hours, notify my Field Officer if I am arrested for any offense, including a traffic offense or receive a citation or if there is any change in my residence or termination of employment or if my name changes as a result of marriage or divorce.
J. CURFEW: I will not be away from my residence between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. unless required to do so in connection with my employment and with my Field Officer's permission.
K. QUESTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS: I will promptly and truthfully answer questions from my Field Officer, the Parole Board and its authorized representatives and carry out all instructions from them.
L. SUPERVISION FEE AND COURT-ORDERED PAYMENTS: In accordance with my instructions issued to me by my Field Officer, I will pay a monthly parole supervision fee as established by Section 47-7-49 of the Mississippi Code. In accordance with instruction from my Field Officer, I will pay any court-ordered penalties or restitution specified in my sentence(s).
M. VISIT TO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY: I will not return to a facility of the Mississippi Department of Correction on a visit without the joint approval of my Field Officer and the Administrator of the Correctional Facility.
N. EXTRADITION: I do hereby waive extradition to the State of Mississippi from any state, territory or District of the United States and from any territory or country outside the United States.
O. AGREEMENTS: I will not enter into any agreement to act as an "informer" or special agent for any law enforcement agency that will put me in violation of my parole conditions.
P. DETAINER: If I am released to a detainer and the detainer is cleared or satisfied, I will, within 48 hours of my release from the custody of that jurisdiction, contact in person or by telephone, the Department of Community Corrections, Mississippi Department of Corrections, Jackson, MS at 601-359-5600 for reporting instructions.
Q. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: I do further agree to abide by any additional special requirements as established by the Parole Board.

The parolee must sign the certificate acknowledging each of these conditions. He or she promises and agrees to all conditions.8

The Board shall have no authority or responsibility for supervision of offenders granted a release for any reason, including, but not limited to, probation, parole or executive clemency or other offenders requiring the same through interstate compact agreements. The supervision shall be provided exclusively by the staff of the Division of Community Corrections of the Department.

The Board is authorized to select and place offenders in an electronic monitoring program under the conditions and criteria imposed by the Board. The conditions, restrictions and requirements of Section 47-7-17 and Sections 47-5-1001 through shall apply to the Board and any offender placed in an electronic monitoring program by the Board.

8 An inmate will not be paroled until he signs the certificate acknowledging each of the parole conditions listed in the manual.

29 Miss. Code. R. 201-3.5

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 47-7-5(6)(7a) and 47-7-35
Amended 8/18/2023