The establishment of positions occurs either at the start of the fiscal year at conversion for newly appropriated positions or during the operating fiscal year when mandated by special circumstances such as budget escalation authorized by the Department of Finance and Administration or deficit appropriation.
A. The following documentation shall be submitted in support of all requests to establish new positions:1. A copy of the appropriation bill or Department of Finance and Administration escalation authority authorizing the position establishment;2. An organizational chart depicting the precise location of all authorized positions, including ones to be established;3. A Job Content section of the Performance Review Assessment (PRA) or Role Description Questionnaire (RDQ) for each position requested. A representative PDA may be submitted when all positions are to be allocated to the same job class and will be assigned substantially the same work.B. Requests for new positions in a new job class shall also include documentation required for a class establishment. See Section 5.1.2.C. OSR will assign the next available Position Identification Number (PIN).Please reference the OSR User Training Workbook at or your Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Consultant for more detailed information regarding position establishments.
27 Miss. Code. R. 110-6.3.7