Requests for title changes must be submitted through OSR and supporting documentation sent to the agency's Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Analysts. In addition, title change requests for filled positions which exercise supervisory responsibilities and meet criteria identified in the policy memorandum, Administration of the Variable Compensation Plan, for the current fiscal year, should also be submitted to the MSPB Executive Director in a detailed letter of justification, together with the appropriate documentation, and will be presented to MSPB for its approval. For all other title change requests, the notes as entered into OSR serve as the request's justification; however, when deemed necessary, the agency's Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Analysts may request additional justification.
All title change requests approved by MSPB will be effective on the date specified by MSPB. All other approved title change requests will be effective no earlier than the first day of the month in which the request and its supporting documentation were received by the agency's Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Analysts. In extraordinary circumstances, the MSPB Executive Director or the Director of the Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment may at their discretion approve an earlier effective date.
Title changes at the worker level within the same job family may be approved by the agency's Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment Analysts. Upward title changes of vacant positions at the worker level but changing job families must be approved by the Director of the Office of Classification, Compensation, and Recruitment. Upward title changes of filled positions at the worker level and changing job families must be approved by the MSPB Executive Director or his designee.
The justification for title change requests must be entered into OSR with the following information entered either into the OSR Notes Section or in a letter to the MSPB Executive Director:
On-site desk audits, conducted by MSPB staff, may be required as a component of the analysis of upward title change requests.
Before the request can be approved, the incumbent must have a valid performance review rating. Following approval, OSR will create a new 365-day performance review period beginning the effective date of the reallocation.
The authorized salary for an upward title change of a filled position shall be in accordance with the provisions indicated in the policy memorandum, Administration of the Variable Compensation Plan, for the current fiscal year.
27 Miss. Code. R. 110-5.3.2