Individuals holding full certification (CMRT) or licensure (LCMRT) are required to renew their professional credential every two (2) years on a certification/licensure schedule established by the Division.
Certification/Licensure Periods
2nd Period: July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2001
3rd Period: July 1, 2001- June 30, 2003
4th Period: July 1, 2003- July 30, 2005
5th Period: July 1, 2005- June 30, 2007
The responsibility for timely renewal is that of the certificant/licensee.
A certificant/licensee applying for renewal must either continue to be in the employ of a program as described in Chapter 3, Section 1, C., p. 7 or must have Inactive status. See Chapter 3, Section 7, C., (2), pp. 16-17, for more information on Inactive status. Additional information on reporting employment can be found in Chapter 5, Section 2, C., p. 31.
Renewal is not applicable to individuals holding provisional certification (PCMRT). At the conclusion of the two (2) year Provisional Certification Period, a PCMRT may upgrade to either full certification (CMRT) or licensure (LCMRT). See Chapter 3, Section 2, B., p. 8 for more information on provisional certification.
24 Miss. Code. R. § 7-5-1