Miss. Code. tit. 24, pt. 5, ch. Four
In order to be eligible to apply for the Certified Peer Support Specialist Professional credential (CPSSP), an individual must meet ALL of the requirements listed below:
* Residency;
* Experience Requirement;
* Employment Requirement;
* Education Requirement;
* Ethics Requirement;
* Self Disclosure;
* References; AND ;
* Exam/Training Requirement.
Residency Requirement
* The applicant must reside in the State of Mississippi.
Experience Requirement
* Must be a current or former recipient of mental health and/or substance abuse or intellectual or developmental disability services.
* Have a serious mental illness and/or substance abuse or intellectual or developmental disability
* Self identify as a current or former consumer of mental health and/or substance abuse or intellectual or developmental disability services
* Applicant must, within the last three years (not necessarily consecutive), have a minimum of 250 hours of paid or volunteer work or activities in a support or advisory role with adults or transition-aged youth diagnosed with a serious mental illness, intellectual and developmental disability, and/or a substance abuse disorder
* One year of college or educational experience (within the last three years) can be substituted for the work experience. All experience must be gained prior to applying for certification.
Employment Requirement
* The applicant can participate in the Peer Support Specialist Professional Training, but must be employed at a Mississippi "state mental health system" program for certification,
Education Requirement
* The applicant must have a high school diploma, GED certificate, or be at least sixteen (16) years of age and enrolled in a GED program or enrolled in school.
* The applicant must demonstrate proficiency in reading and writing.
* In rare and extenuating circumstances, other official documentation of GED/high school completion may be accepted at the discretion of the Department of Mental Health. DMH does not facilitate obtaining documentation.
Ethics Requirement
All applicants must read and abide by the DMH Peer Support Specialist Professional Principles of Ethical and Professional Conduct as well as the Department of Mental Health Operational Standards for Mental Health, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Community Service Providers Part V, Section C - Ethical Conduct. It is the applicant's responsibility to read these principles before signing and submitting the application. The applicant should keep a reference copy.
Self Disclosure Requirement
* Individual must self identify as current or former recipient of mental health and/or substance abuse or intellectual or developmental disability services and demonstrate a minimum of six (6) consecutive months in self-directed recovery within the last twelve (12) months.
* The applicant must submit two professional references of support. The references must attest to the individual's ability to perform the role of a Certified Peer Support Specialist Professional.
Exam/Training Requirement
* Successful completion of Certified Peer Support Specialist Professional Training, as prescribed by DMH.
* Proficiency for successful completion of Peer Support Specialist Professional examination will be 75%. Applicant must provide proof of completion.
Miss. Code. tit. 24, pt. 5, ch. Four