24 Miss. Code. R. 3-16.20

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-3-16.20 - Certification Expiration - CCSS/CCSS-II
A.Renewal Deadline
1. The renewal application packet and fee are due on or before September 30 th (or closest prior working day, as prescribed in the current renewal notice) of the given renewal year.
2. Any certified individual wishing to request Inactive, Retired or Relinquished Status at the time of renewal must submit the request so that the Division receives it by the established renewal deadline. Otherwise, without proper renewal, the individual's credential will automatically be changed to Lapsed Status.
3. Unless successfully renewed, an individual's certificate ceases to be valid after September 30 th at the end of the certification period.
4. Any certified individual for whom the Division has not received a renewal application packet (or a special request) by September 30 th will be expired; his/her certification status will automatically be changed to Lapsed Status.
B.Late Renewal
1. Between October 1 st and October 31 st (or closest prior working days, as determined by the Division), professional certification which has lapsed due to failure to renew may be rectified upon submission of all required renewal forms and payment in full of the Renewal Fee PLUS payment of a Late Renewal Fee (as required).
2. All problems with renewal applications (or special requests submitted at the time of renewal) must be resolved by October 31 st (or closest prior working day, as determined by the Division).
3. Incomplete renewal applications or renewal applications with unresolved deficiencies received by the renewal deadline may be maintained on file through October 31 st (or closest prior working day) to allow individuals an opportunity to resolve problem(s). After October 31 st (or closest prior working day, as determined by the Division), these credentials are expired and automatically changed to Lapsed Status if the deficiencies were not satisfactorily resolved by this date - no exceptions.
4. The certification of any individual who has not successfully completed either renewal or a special request by October 31 st (or closest prior working day, as determined by the Division) is expired. The status of any such individual's credential will automatically be changed to Lapsed Status.
C.Beginning November 1st
1. On and after November 1 st, an individual who failed to renew or successfully make a status change remains in Lapsed Status and will not be allowed to renew.
2. Following the conclusion of renewal season, each state mental health system program will be provided a list of program employees whose credentials lapsed.

24 Miss. Code. R. 3-16.20

Section 41-4-7 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated
Adopted 5/1/2017