24 Miss. Code. R. 2-33.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-33.1 - Adult Making A Plan Teams - General Requirements
A. Adult Making A Plan (AMAP) Teams address the needs of adults, 18 years and above, with serious mental illness or dually diagnosed (SMI/IDD or SMI/SUD) who have frequent/multiple placements or are at risk of inpatient psychiatric services, which could possibly be prevented with the coordinated efforts of multiple agency providers and services.
B. Each AMAP Team must have an employee identified as the Coordinator employed by the agency provider who has a bachelor's degree. In addition, the following team members are recommended and should be present and documented at each AMAP Team meeting (if applicable):
1. The person being referred to the AMAP Team, family member, and/or advocate representing the person.
2. The person's therapist, Community Support Specialist, or other employee from the agency provider who has detailed knowledge of the person.
3. A representative of the Chancery Clerk's office or Chancery Court.
4. A representative of the sheriff's department of the county in which the person resides, and/or a representative of the police department of the city of residence.
5. Employees from the regional mental/behavioral health program or Crisis Residential Unit that have had frequent contact with the person.
C. The agency provider must maintain a current written interagency agreement with agency providers participating in the AMAP Team.
D. The overall goal of the AMAP Team is to develop a new and different intervention for the person to have a greater success of being maintained in a community setting. Past course of treatment and altered future service plan and completion of the Crisis Support Plan must be documented on the Case Summary Form.
E. AMAP Team Monthly Reporting forms and AMAP Team Case Summary forms, as prescribed by DMH, must be submitted to DMH with each cash reimbursement request (if funding is available) and must also be maintained on-site with the AMAP Team Coordinator.
F. For any people who have been previously referred to the local AMAP Team to be placed at/committed to an inpatient psychiatric facility, the local AMAP Team must attempt to develop a less restrictive alternative in the community.

24 Miss. Code. R. 2-33.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-4-7
Amended 7/1/2016
Amended 9/1/2020
Amended 11/1/2024