Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-29.3 - Therapeutic Group Homes for Children/Youth with Serious Emotional DisturbanceA. Agency providers of Therapeutic Group Homes must also meet the requirements in Rule 29.1.B. The maximum bed capacity of each Therapeutic Group Home is 10 beds per home for children/youth 12 years of age through age 20 years and 11 months and eight (8) beds for children/youth ages six (6) years through 11 years and 11 months. DMH may require a lower bed capacity than described in this rule, depending on the age, developmental or functioning level, or intensity of need for intervention and supervision of the population of children/youth served.C. There may be no more than two (2) children/youth per bedroom in a Therapeutic Group Home. The agency provider must ensure that the employees on-site are of a sufficient number to provide adequate supervision of children/youth in a safe, therapeutic home environment and must meet the following minimum requirements: 1. In Therapeutic Group Homes with five (5) or fewer children/youth, at least one (1) employee with at least a bachelor's degree in a mental health or related field must be assigned to direct service responsibilities for the children/youth during all hours.2. For Therapeutic Group Homes with six (6) to 10 children/youth, at least two (2) employees must be assigned to direct service responsibilities during all hour's children/youth are awake and not in school. One (1) of the two (2) employees can be a direct support personnel or house parent and one (1) must be a professional employee with at least a bachelor's degree in a mental health or related field. At least one (1) employee (which can be a direct support worker or house parent) must be assigned to direct service responsibilities for the children/youth during all hours.3. Have a full-time director who is on-site at least 40 hours per week.4. Other appropriate professional employees must be available to assist in emergencies, at least on an on-call basis, at all times.5. DMH may require an employee to youth ratio higher or lower than described above, depending on the age, developmental or functional level, or intensity of need for intervention and supervision of the population of children/youth served by the individual home.D. A licensed psychiatrist and a professionally licensed or DMH credentialed Mental Health Therapist with experience working with children/youth must be available for children/youth served by the Therapeutic Group Home.E. Services must provide each child/youth with therapeutic activities and experience in the skills needed to support a successful transition to a less restrictive setting or level of service.F. The mental health therapist is required to have at least one (1) individual therapy session per week with the child/youth.G. Transition plans must be developed within 90 days prior to completion of a Therapeutic Group Home service and be included in the child/youth's record and shared with community service providers.H. Animal/Pet policies must be aligned with the rule for such, as outlined in Chapter 13.