24 Miss. Code. R. 1-6.3.4

Current through January 14, 2025

Persons with a substantial interest in a subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Department of Mental Health may make a written request for a declaratory opinion. This request must clearly set forth the specific facts upon which an opinion is asked for and shall be limited to a single transaction or occurrence. This request must be on the form or in the same format developed by the Department and available from the Department. These requests shall be addressed to the Director of the Bureau who oversees the matter in question. Responses to requests for declaratory opinions shall be in accordance with guidelines set out in the Administrative Procedures Act. The Department shall not issue opinions on matters outside the jurisdiction of the Department or on any matter protected by confidentiality laws or regulations.

24 Miss. Code. R. 1-6.3.4

Miss Code Ann. § 41-4-1 et seq. and § 23-43-1, et seq.
Amended 7/10/2015
Amended 4/1/2017
Amended 8/6/2017
Amended 11/1/2018