23 Miss. Code. R. 219-1.10

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 23-219-1.10 - Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
A. The Division of Medicaid covers the following tuberculosis (TB) tests when a beneficiary has an increased risk for TB infection, as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state law, and is administered in compliance with CDC recommendations and guidelines:
1. Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST), and
2. Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA).
B. The Division of Medicaid providers must have a documented treatment plan for a beneficiary with a positive tuberculin skin test to include:
1. A medical evaluation, including chest x-ray and clinical assessment, and
2. An evaluation for a course of treatment for latent TB infection.
C. The Division of Medicaid does not cover TB testing for the routine screening of beneficiaries in the absence of specific risk factors for TB.
D. Staff who read TB skin tests must be certified by the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) TB Certification Program.
E. The provider must refer beneficiaries with a positive TB test to the MSDH Tuberculosis Program.
F. The Division of Medicaid providers must document the following:
1. The medical necessity for TB testing,
2. TST information which must include the following:
a) Manufacturer and lot number of the injected antigen,
b) Expiration date of solution,
c) Dose administered,
d) Injection site,
e) Signature or initials of the person who administered the TST,
f) Size of induration in millimeters (mm),
g) Date and time the test was read,
h) Reader's signature and initials, and
i) Any adverse reactions.
3. Referral to the MSDH Tuberculosis Program for beneficiaries with positive TB tests.

23 Miss. Code. R. 219-1.10

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-13-121.
Adopted 1/1/2016