23 Miss. Code. R. 213-1.10

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 23-213-1.10 - Maintenance Therapy

Medicaid defines maintenance therapy as activities that preserve the patient's present level of function and prevent regression of that function. Maintenance programs do not require the professional skills of a licensed therapy provider, are not considered medically necessary, and are not covered by Medicaid. Such services include but are not limited to the following:

A. Services related to the general welfare of the beneficiary such as exercises to promote fitness and flexibility, training or conditioning, and holistic treatments,
B. Repetitive services that are performed to maintain function, maintain gait, maintain strength and endurance that do not require the professional skills of a licensed therapy provider,
C. Therapy after the beneficiary has achieved goals outlined in the Plan of Care or where there is no meaningful progress, or
D. Exercises and range of motion exercises not related to the restoration of a specific loss of function.

23 Miss. Code. R. 213-1.10

Miss. Code Ann. § 43-13-121