Chapter 1 - Residency
- Rule 23-102-1.1 - State Residency
- Rule 23-102-1.2 - Residency Requirements
- Rule 23-102-1.3 - No Permanent Mississippi Address
- Rule 23-102-1.4 - Residing in Another State
- Rule 23-102-1.5 - Incapable of Stating Intent
- Rule 23-102-1.6 - Stating Intent to Reside
- Rule 23-102-1.7 - Specific Residency Prohibitions
- Rule 23-102-1.8 - Temporary Absence From the State
- Rule 23-102-1.9 - Individuals Receiving a State Supplementary Payment
- Rule 23-102-1.10 - Individuals Receiving a Title IV-E Payment
- Rule 23-102-1.11 - Determination of Residency (Under Age 21)
- Rule 23-102-1.12 - Determination of Residency (Age 21 and Older)
- Rule 23-102-1.13 - State Placement in an Out-of-State Institution
- Rule 23-102-1.14 - Out-of-State Placements
- Rule 23-102-1.15 - Recipients Moving to Mississippi From Another State