FIELD TEST - Shall mean (1) a test used to determine whether materials used in a gill or trammel net meet the definition of approved degradable material or are manufactured of cotton or linen, or (2) a test accepted by the MDMR as a scientifically valid test of degradability, devised by manufacturers of degradable gill or trammel net materials. Where the MDMR has accepted a manufacturer's test and results thereon with regard to degradable materials, the MDMR must receive from any such manufacturer a certification by the manufacturer that the material constructed by it meets the definition of an approved degradable materials as well as a copy of the manufacturers test. Any gill or trammel net to be used in the marine waters of the State of Mississippi, manufactured from any approved degradable material or cotton or linen shall be certified by the MDMR where:
Upon such proof, the MDMR shall permanently affix an identifying placard or other marker of the net.
22 Miss. Code. R. 8-04-119