22 Miss. Code. R. 23-17-101

Current through December 10, 2024
Section 22-23-17-101

Notice of concurrence with, conditional concurrence with, or objection to the consistency certification will be provided no later than sixty (60) days following receipt of the consistency certification. Coastal Program consistency may be presumed if no response is received within the sixty-day (60-day) comment period.

101.01 Environmental Protection Agency
101.01.01 66.418 - Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works
101.01.02 66.460 - Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants
101.01.03 66.468 - Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
101.01.04 66.475 - Gulf of Mexico Program
101.02 Department of Agriculture
101.02.01 10.760 - Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities
101.02.02 10.763 - Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants
101.02.03 10.770 - Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants (Section 306C)
101.02.04 10.904 - Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention
101.03 Department of Commerce
101.03.01 11.300 - Investments for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities
101.03.02 11.407 - Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986
101.03.03 11.427 - Fisheries Development and Utilization Research and Development Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program
101.03.04 11.441 - Regional Fishery Management Councils
101.04 Department of Housing and Urban Development
101.04.01 14.218 - Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants
101.04.02 14.228 - Community Development Block Grants/State's Program
101.04.03 14.239 - Home Investment Partnerships Program
101.04.04 14.248 - Community Development Block Grants Section 108 Loan Guarantees
101.04.05 14.265 - Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants
101.05 Department of the Interior
101.05.01 15.154 - 21 st Century Conservation Service Corps
101.05.02 15.230 - Invasive and Noxious Plant Management
101.05.03 15.231 - Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation Resource Management
101.05.04 15.408 - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Renewable Energy
101.05.05 15.524 - Recreation Resources Management
101.05.06 15.546 - Youth Conservation
101.05.07 15.605 - Sport Fish Restoration
101.05.08 15.608 - Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
101.05.09 15.625 - Wildlife Conservation and Restoration
101.05.10 15.630 - Coastal
101.05.11 15.631 - Partners for Fish and Wildlife
101.05.12 15.632 - Conservation Grants Private Stewardship for Imperiled Species
101.05.13 15.634 - State Wildlife Grants
101.05.14 15.656 - Recovery Act Funds - Habitat Enhancement, Restoration and Improvement
101.05.15 15.658 - Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Restoration and Implementation
101.05.16 15.663 - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
101.05.17 15.664 - Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance
101.05.18 15.668 - Coastal Impact Assistance
101.05.19 15.676 - Youth Engagement, Education, and Employment
101.05.20 15.916 - Outdoor Recreation, Acquisition, Development and Planning
101.05.21 15.931 - Conservation Activities by Youth Service Organizations
101.05.22 15.944 - Natural Resource Stewardship 101.06 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
101.06 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
101.06.01 87.051 - Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Comprehensive Plan Component Program
101.06.02 87.052 - Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Oil Spill Impact Program

22 Miss. Code. R. 23-17-101

Adopted 10/22/2018