Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 22-1-07-7.1 - Transporting Molluscan ShellfishA. Transported shellstock must be legally harvested from the originating State and legally transported in accordance with the most current version of the NSSP Model Ordinance.B. Licensed harvesters may transport their own daily harvested shellstock intrastate, unrefrigerated, within the time limits outlined in the most recent time and temperature chart developed by the MDMR Authority.C. If shellstock has been previously refrigerated, it must be transported in a refrigerated unit.D. Dealers and processors must ship all molluscan shellfish adequately iced or in mechanically refrigerated conveyances which are equipped with automatic temperature controls that maintain the ambient air temperature in the storage in accordance with the most current version of the time and temperature chart developed by the MDMR.E. All shucked molluscan shellfish must be in either mechanically refrigerated vehicles or adequately iced.F. All ice used in the transportation of molluscan shellfish must be made on-site from potable water in a commercial ice machine or come from a facility regulated by the MDMR or an appropriate regulatory agency.G. Frozen molluscan shellfish must be transported in such a manner as to remain frozen solid and the temperature of the product maintained at 0°F (-17.8°C) or less.H. All mechanically refrigerated transport vehicles, other than common carriers, used for transporting molluscan shellfish must be certified and inspected by the MDMR Authority.I. All molluscan shellfish, either refrigerated or not, must be protected from the sun and contamination during transport.J. During the period of May 1 through September 30 of each year, all boats or vessels transporting shellstock must protect the shellstock from direct exposure to the sun by having an awning or similar covering over the shellstock.K. Boats or vessels transporting shellstock legally harvested and legally transported from waters outside the State of Mississippi into Mississippi must: 1. Apply for and receive a Commercial Molluscan Shellfish Transport Permit from the MDMR Shellfish Bureau before entering Mississippi territorial waters.2. Comply with all permit conditions required by the MDMR Authority.3. Properly tag shellstock in accordance with the most current version of the NSSP Model Ordinance.4. Mechanically refrigerate shellstock when required by the most current version of the time and temperature chart developed by the MDMR Authority.L. Dogs, cats, birds, and other animals are not allowed in any vehicle or vessel used to transport molluscan shellfish.M. It is unlawful to open containers of shucked molluscan shellfish in transit, except for inspection by an MDMR Authority or other duly authorized official.22 Miss. Code. R. 1-07-7.1
MISS. CODE ANN. §§ 49-15-15, 49-15-42, 49-15-44, 49-15-46, 49-15-303, 49-15-304; NSSP Model Ordinance II-IX, II-X, II-XIII, III-X