Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 21-201-2.9 - Costs of providing public records The Ethics Commission may require payment in advance for all costs before providing copies or access to records.
A. Costs for paper copies. A requestor may obtain standard black and white photocopies for fifteen cents (15¢) per page. Before beginning to make the copies, the requestor must pre-pay all reasonably estimated costs of copying all the records selected by the requestor. The public records officer or designee may also require the payment of the remainder of the copying costs of a previous installment before providing a subsequent installment. The Ethics Commission will not charge sales tax when it makes copies of public records.B. Costs for electronic records. The cost of electronic copies of records shall be one dollar ($1) per disk for information on a CD-ROM. The cost of scanning existing Ethics Commission paper or other non-electronic records is five cents (5¢) per page. There will be no charge for e-mailing electronic records to a requestor, unless another cost applies such as a scanning fee or system costs allowed under Section 25-61-7(2), Miss. Code of 1972.C. Costs of mailing. The Ethics Commission may also charge actual costs of mailing, including the cost of the shipping container.D. Payment. Payment may be made by check or money order payable to the Ethics Commission. Cash will not be accepted.E. Charges for searching, reviewing and redacting. The actual cost of searching for and reviewing and, if necessary, redacting exempt information from public records shall be based upon the hourly rate of compensation for the lowest paid agency employee qualified to perform the task, which shall be multiplied by the actual time to complete the task.21 Miss. Code. R. 201-2.9
Section 25-61-5, Miss. Code of 1972.