20 Miss. Code. R. 2-I

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 20-2-I - GUIDELINES
A.Pathology Services. Pathology and Laboratory services are provided for evaluating the nature of disease or a change in body tissue and organs due to injury and/or caused by a disease.
B.Separate or Multiple Procedures . When multiple procedures are performed on the same date or at the same session, it is appropriate to designate them by separate entries.
C.Unlisted Service or Procedures. When reporting a service or procedure that is not listed in this fee schedule, use the appropriate unlisted procedure code. The bill must be accompanied by a Special Report as described below. If a HCPCS or CPT code has been established subsequent to the release of this fee schedule, include the code(s) with the Special Report.
D. Special Report. Any test/service that is not provided routinely should be reported with the appropriate code designating the service and the billing for that test/service should include a description of the procedure, the process used and a full report of the findings. Special reports to justify the necessity of a service do not warrant a separate fee.
E.By Report (BR). "BR" in the Amount column indicates services that are too new, unusual, or variable in the nature of their performance to permit the assignment of a definable fee. Such services should be substantiated by documentation submitted with the bill. Sufficient information should be included to permit proper identification and a sound evaluation.
F.Facility Fee. The Facility Fee for outpatient services is the APC Amount.

20 Miss. Code. R. 2-I

Amended 6/14/2017
Amended 6/15/2019.