20 Miss. Code. R. 2-X

Current through January 14, 2025

The selection of appropriate providers for diagnostic testing or analysis, including but not limited to surgical/procedure facilities, CT or MRI scans, x-ray, laboratory, physical or occupational therapy, including work hardening, functional capacity evaluations, chronic pain programs, or massage therapy shall be at the direction of the treating or prescribing physician. In the absence of specific direction from the treating or prescribing physician, the selection shall be made by the payer, in consultation with the treating or prescribing physician.

Referral for an electromyogram (EMG) or a nerve conduction study (NCS) shall be at the discretion and direction of the physician in charge of care, and neither the payer nor the payer's agent may unilaterally or arbitrarily redirect the patient to another provider for these tests. The payer or the payer's agent may, however, discuss with the physician in charge of care appropriate providers for the conduct of these tests in an effort to reach an agreement with the physician in charge as to who will conduct an electromyogram and/or nerve conduction study in any given case.

The selection of providers for the purchase or rental of durable medical equipment shall be at the direction of the payer if over $300.00.

The selection of providers for medical treatment or service, other than as above provided, shall be in accordance with the provisions of MCA § 71-3-15.

20 Miss. Code. R. 2-X

Amended 6/14/2017
Amended 6/15/2019