20 Miss. Code. R. 2-IV

Current through January 14, 2025

Please refer to the Pain Management section for the state-specific facility reimbursement rules to be used for outpatient pain management procedures.

Please refer to the Inpatient Hospital and Outpatient Facility Payment Schedule and Rules section for the state-specific facility reimbursement rules to be used for ambulatory surgery center (ASC) procedures and hospital based outpatient departments.

Implantables. An implantable is an item that is implanted into the body for the purpose of permanent placement, and remains in the body as a fixture. Absorbable items, temporary items, or other items used to help place the implant, are not within the definition of "implantable" and are not reimbursed as such.

Implantables are included in the applicable MS-DRG reimbursement for inpatient treatment, and, therefore, the provider of inpatient services is not required to furnish the payer with an invoice for implantables. For implantables used in the outpatient setting, reimbursement is likewise included in the APC Amount paid to the facility. No separate billing or payment for implants shall be made in either the inpatient or outpatient setting.

20 Miss. Code. R. 2-IV

Amended 6/14/2017
Amended 6/15/2019