Miss. Code. tit. 2, pt. 902, ch. 4, exh. 2-902-4-12

Current through January 14, 2025
1. The Commission will notify the SWCD of upcoming elected commissioner expiration dates, at least 75 days prior to the expiration date.
2. The SWCD will set the election date, voting places (at least one per beat), and voting hours before the election process can begin.
3. The Commission will publish the Nominating Notice (ELC-1) at least 60 days prior to the election date.
4.Nominating Petitions (ELC-3) will be accepted by the District for approximately 20 days.
5. The Nominating Petitions (ELC-3) must be received in the Commission office at least 30 days prior to the election date.
6. Approximately 30 days prior to the election, the Commission will publish the Election Notice (ELC-2) 3 times, with an interval of 7 days between each publication.
7. The Statement of Certification (Election Judge) (ELC-5) will be signed by the election judge at each voting place. The election judge will sign the ELC-5 and insert ELC-4, ELC-5 and the ballots into the ballot box and then seal the ballot box.
8. The contact person must be an appointed commissioner and will be responsible for picking up the sealed ballot boxes from each voting place. The ballot boxes will be opened and votes tabulated by the contact person in a designated place that is open to all the candidates. The contact person will summarize the votes on Report of Election Results to Commission (ELC-6), and will return original forms ELC-4, ELC-5 and ELC-6 to the Commission.
9. The Commission will publish the Election Results (ELC-7), after the Commission approves the election.


Election Date _________________________________ (set by the District)

Action to be taken prior to the election date:

60 days The Commission will publish the Nominating Notice (ELC-1).

40 days The deadline for the district to accept Nominating Petitions (ELC-3).

30 days The deadline for the Commission to accept Nominating Petitions (ELC-3).

These forms must be in the Commission Office 30 days prior to the election date.

30 days The Commission will publish the Election Notice (ELC-2) 3 times, with an interval of 7 days between each publication.

Miss. Code. tit. 2, pt. 902, ch. 4, exh. 2-902-4-12