2 Miss. Code. R. 401-2-02-111

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-401-2-02-111 - Presiding officer

The presiding officer shall have authority to conduct the proceeding in his or her discretion for the orderly conduct of the proceeding. The presiding officer shall (a) call the proceeding to order; (b) give a brief synopsis of the proposed rule, a statement of the statutory authority for the proposed rule, and the reasons provided by the Board for the proposed rule; (c) call on those individuals who have contacted the Board about speaking on or against the proposed rule; (d) allow for rebuttal statements following all participants's comments; (e) adjourn the proceeding.

2 Miss. Code. R. 401-2-02-111

Miss. Code Ann. § 25-43-2.104 (Rev. 2006).
Adopted June 29, 2005.
Amended 8/19/2020