2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-19-104

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-19-104 - Virgin bulls

A virgin bull is a bull less than 18 months of age in which one permanent central incisor teeth is in wear and that has never been commingled with breeding females. Virgin bulls, other than exhibition and rodeo bulls, brought into this state shall, in addition to any other required documentation, be accompanied by a certification of virgin status signed by the owner of the bull, or the owner's representative or a duly authorized Veterinarian. The certification shall include the bull's individual identification. If the owner seeking to import the virgin bull into this state acquired the bull from a breeder or another owner then a certification of virgin status signed by the breeder and each prior owner of the bull, or their representative must also accompany the bull. This certification can be stated on the CVI or can be an official state form that accompanies the CVI and sent to our office.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-19-104

Miss. Code Ann . § 69-15-3.
Amended 8/8/2016