2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-17-112.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-17-112.02

All livestock markets or feeder pig markets handling all classes of swine must be Federal-State or State only approved.

1. Federal-State approved yards.
a. Markets handling feeder and breeder swine must meet market standards of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Title 9, CFR, Part 76.18.
b. Each feeder or breeder swine must be identified by ear tag or tattoo to herd owner of origin on arrival at markets. Records must be kept by markets to identify pigs to herd of origin, and/or seller for period of one year. Feeder or breeder swine will be permitted to move to another market, but must be retagged and re-identified to the new owner; the old identification tags shall not be removed.
c. Permit no swine to remain in market over 72 hours.
d. Maintain, for one year after the transaction involved, a record of the origin and destination of all swine, and also of the identification of all Swine other than slaughter swine, handled through the livestock market and afford Veterinary Services and State Inspectors access to such records at all reasonable time.
2. State Approved Only Markets permitted to handle all classes of swine. (Not federally approved)
a. Provide the State Veterinarian with a schedule of sale days and cooperate with the State Veterinarian in obtaining compliance by livestock shippers with applicable State and Federal regulations.
b. Require all swine received at the livestock market to be given an inspection by a Veterinary Services or State Inspector or an accredited veterinarian, and refuse to sell any swine that show any signs of any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease upon such inspection except as authorized by a Veterinary Services or State Inspector or an accredited veterinarian.
c. Separate from the other swine all swine found upon inspection to be, or suspected of being, affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease and immediately notify a Veterinary Services or State Inspector, or an accredited veterinarian, of the presence of such swine at the livestock market.
d. Each feeder or breeder swine must be identified by ear tag or tattoo to herd owner of origin on arrival at markets. Feeder or Breeder swine will be permitted to move to another market, but must be retagged and re-identified to the new owner; the old tags shall not be removed. Records must be kept by markets to identify pigs to herd or origin and/or seller for period of one year.
e. Provide well-constructed and well-lighted pens, alleys, and sales rings for holding, inspecting and otherwise handling swine, and keep all swine handling facilities clean and in good repair.
f. State approved only yards permitted to handle all classes of swine may not receive swine from any state other than Mississippi.
g. Permit no swine to remain in market for more than hours.
h. Maintain, for one year after the transaction involved, a record of the origin and destination of all swine, and also of the identification of all swine other than slaughter swine, handled through the livestock market and afford Veterinary Services and State Inspectors access to such records at all reasonable times.
i. Feeding and breeding swine may not move interstate from this class market.
j. Slaughter swine may be moved to a recognized slaughtering establishment for immediate slaughter or to an approved assembly point.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-17-112.02