2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-17-107.03

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-17-107.03

All swine samples tested at the Brucellosis Laboratory will be submitted to the Mississippi Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for pseudorabies testing. All swine sera samples received in the Diagnostic laboratory for diagnostic services will be tested for pseudorabies and the sera submitted to the Brucellosis Laboratory for Swine Brucellosis testing when adequate sera is available.

1. All positive pseudorabies (PR) test reports will be sent to Veterinary Medical Officers (VMO) for investigation of herds of Origin.
2. PR infected herds will be quarantined by the VMO.
3. All owners of the infected swine will be required to enter into a clean-up plan under the supervision of the VMO's to eradicate pseudorabies from their herds.
4. VMO's will work with owners of PR infected swine herds to free the herd of the disease by following one of the three basic clean up plans prepared by the Pseudorabies Committee of Livestock Conservation Institute and supported by USDA, APHIS, Veterinary services and published as State-Federal Industry Program Standards.
a. Test and removal of positive animals.
b. Offspring segregation, followed by phased repopulation. This method develops a PR negative herd using the offspring of sero-positive adults.
c. Depopulation with or without repopulation.
5. Vaccination will be used only when approved by the Mississippi

State Veterinarian (the State Veterinarian will base his approval of vaccine use on the recommendation of the designated area epidemiologist).

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-17-107.03