2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-16-102

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-16-102

In order that Mississippi retain "Scrapie Consistent" Status as defined in CFR Parts 54 and 79 "Scrapie in Sheep and Goats; Interstate Movement Restrictions and Indemnity Program; Final Rule" the following regulation is promulgated. States that are not listed as "Scrapie Consistent" will have the following restrictions imposed on interstate commerce from that state:

1. No breeding sheep can move out of an inconsistent state unless the Flock of origin is enrolled in the Scrapie Flock Certification Program (SFCP).
2. Sexually intact slaughter sheep under 18 months must either originate in an SFCP enrolled flock or be officially identified unless moving directly to slaughter or a terminal feedlot.
3. Slaughter sheep over 18 months must be officially identified and move on a CVI
4. Breeding and sexually intact exhibition goats that do not meet the definition of low risk can't move out of an inconsistent state unless the flock of origin is enrolled in the SFCP.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-16-102

Miss. Code Ann. § 69-15-3.