2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-13-108.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-13-108.01

By virtue of authority granted the Mississippi Board of Animal Health under the provisions of the State laws governing the Mississippi Board of Animal Health, and particularly Sections 69-15-9, 69-15-115, Mississippi Code 1972, the following regulation is adopted governing the control and eradication of Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) of poultry in Mississippi .

1. Vaccines: ILT Vaccines may not be sold or used within the State of Mississippi without the written approval of the State Veterinarian.
2. Chick Embryo "CEO" Vaccine is not permitted for use or sale within the State of Mississippi unless with written permission from the State Veterinarian. This vaccine will only be used after an epidemiological investigation has been performed and it has been determined that CEO Vaccines are necessary for control of the disease. The State Veterinarian, in consultation with the Poultry Disease Taskforce, shall establish the type, method and timing of vaccination.
3. ILT is a reportable disease in Mississippi . A laboratory diagnosis, field diagnosis or suspicion of disease must be reported immediately to the State Veterinarian. Information on reported breaks will be relayed each company and the Poultry Disease Taskforce will be activated.
4. Affected farms must follow cleaning and disinfecting, sanitary and management procedures and on-farm traffic control measures as required by the Board of Animal Health. See "Procedures For ILT-Positive Premises".
5. Chickens produced from known ILT infected areas shall not be allowed entry into Mississippi except by permit from the State Veterinarian.
6. The movement of any poultry (including, but not limited to, broilers and spent fowl for processing) from infected farms shall be moved only under the supervision of the Board of Animal Health.
7. Restricting the movements of poultry litter may be necessary in the control of ILT. This may include a ban on movements or requiring permits by the State Veterinarian prior to movements.
8. Based on epidemiology of the outbreak and input from the Poultry Technical Committee, vaccination programs may be implemented by the State Veterinarian as a necessary part of the control of the outbreak.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-13-108.01

Miss. Code Ann. § 69-15-3.
AMENDED JUNE 9, 1999, 2011