Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-13-101 - Pullorum and typhoid control and eradication1. Any and all chicks, poults, hatching eggs, and breeding stock shipped or transported into Mississippi must be produced from flocks which meet the following requirement: a.They shall meet the pullorum-typhoid control requirements of U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean as outlined in the rules of the national Poultry and Turkey Improvement Plans.b. A certificate showing the chicks, poults, hatching eggs or breeding stock were produced from flocks meeting the above requirements, or any requirements of the Mississippi board of animal Health, must accompany any shipment into Mississippi, regardless of the manner in which such chicks, poults, hatching eggs, or breeding stock is shipped, transported, carried, sent or otherwise brought into Mississippi.c. One copy of this certificate above mentioned must be attached to the shipment and two copies must be sent to the Mississippi Board of Animal Health, Jackson, Mississippi, at the time of shipment, except those operating under the supervision of the National Poultry or Turkey Improvement Plan, in which case one copy of NPIP Form 15, or a statement in writing from the producer showing the date of shipment, breed and variety, and pullorum-typhoid classification shall be attached to the shipment.d. Each package of chicks or poults or hatching eggs shall have attached an official label approved by the Mississippi Board of Animal Health designating the breed and variety, the date and hour hatched (chicks or poults, and the pullorum-typhoid classification, and the name and address of the person or firm from whom they came.2. Any and all incubator hatched chicks or poults offered for sale or custom hatched within Mississippi must be produced from flocks which have been demonstrated to be free from pullorum and typhoid by one of the following criteria: a. The chicken flock shall be tested for pullorum-typhoid when the breeding birds are more than 5 months of age, and shall contain no reactors, the last test being made within 12 months, immediately preceding the date of sale or hatching eggs or chicks from such flocks, provided, that if a reactor or reactors are found on the first test the flock may qualify with two consecutive official negative tests.b. A multiplier breeding chicken flock may also be deemed to be free from pullorum and typhoid by meeting the following specifications: i. The flock is composed entirely of birds that originated (1) from flocks that qualified as U. S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean on the basis of an official blood test of all birds in the flock as provided in subsections(1)-(2) of this section from flocks that met equivalent blood testing requirements under official supervision; and ii. A sample comprised of at least 25 percent of the birds in the flock has been officially blood tested within the past 12 months with no reactors; provided, that the percentage of the flock included in the sample may be reduced by 5 percentage points following each year in which there is no evidence of infection on the premises; and provided further, that the sample tested for the qualification of a flock under this subparagraph shall include at least 500 birds the first year, 400 the second year, 300 the third year, 200 the fourth year, and 100 the fifth year.c. The turkey flock must be tested for pullorum-typhoid: i. The turkey flock must be tested for pullorum-typhoid when the breeding birds are more than 4 months of age, and shall contain no reactors, the last test being made within 12 months immediately preceding the date of sale of hatching eggs or poults from such flock, provided, that if a reactor or reactors are found on the first test the flock may qualify as Pullorum-Typhoid Clean with two consecutive official negative tests ORii. A multiplier breeder turkey flock may also be deemed to be free from pullorum and typhoid by meeting the specifications set forth in subsection 2(a) - (b) of this section for chickens.iii. A flock having a reactor or reactors shall not have official retest for a period of 21 days. This applies to both chickens and turkeys.iv. All reactors shall be immediately removed from the flock and from the premises and sold for immediate slaughter only.d. Testing for pullorum-typhoid disease must be done by a testing agent authorized and licensed by the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.e. Pullorum-typhoid testing in chickens must be done by one of the three following methods which are recommended by the National Poultry Improvement Plan: 1. Whole blood stained antigen. 2. Rapid serum. 3. Tube agglutination.f. Pullorum-typhoid testing in turkeys must be done by one of the following methods which are recommended by the National Turkey Improvement Plan: i. Rapid serum ii. Tube agglutination g. The flock from which chicks or poults are hatched must have been in a vigorous, health condition at the time the pullorum-typhoid test was made. i. At least 15 percent of flocks with each hatchery, or hatching egg dealer, from which chicken or turkey eggs are to be received for hatching purposes must be audited by the Poultry supervisor each year. Those flocks that are under the supervision of the National Poultry and turkey Improvement Plans may be audited by Plan representatives approved by Miss. Board of Animal Health.ii. Flocks must be maintained under good management.iii. Flocks must be maintained under rigid sanitation and disease control program.2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-13-101
Miss. Code Ann. § 69-15-3.