2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-107.07

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-12-107.07

Feeder pigs consigned to Feeder Pig Association sales shall:

1. Be farrowed and raised on the farm of origin. Pigs are to be moved directly from that farm to the feeder sale.
2. The entire herds of origin of the pigs consigned to the sale are to be inspected for health by a veterinarian within ten (10) days prior to the sale, and the veterinarian must issue a certificate stating the herd is in good health.
3. Feeder sales shall accept no cull pig or pigs from herds that are fed garbage.
4. All pigs are to be ear tagged at the feeder sale to maintain records to the herd of origin.
5. Owners of pigs are required to present the health certificate issued by the veterinarian to a sale inspector prior to unloading at the sale.
6. Male pigs must be castrated, and properly healed by sale day.
7. All pigs are inspected upon arrival at sale by the sale personnel.
8. All pigs must have tails docked prior to the sale.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-107.07

Miss. Code Ann . § 69-15-3.
Amended 8/8/2016