Current through January 14, 2025
All sheep and goats, except those for immediate slaughter shall be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection (OCVI) and shall comply with the following:
1. Intact sheep and goats require individual identification by an official USDA Scrapie eartag, brand, or tattoo recorded on the OCVI. 2. "I certify these animals are free of clinical signs of the diseases contagious footrot, keratoconjunctivitis, contagious ecthyma (Orf), scabies and lice and that the sexually intact animals represented on this form are not known to be scrapie-positive, suspect, high risk, or exposed, and did not originate from a known infected, source, exposed, or noncompliant flock."3. When originating from an area known to have scabies, must be dipped within ten (10) days immediately preceding the date of entry in an USDA approved dip, and maintained on absolutely clean premises until delivered to the final destination. Dairy goats and dairy sheep maintained separate from other sheep and goats are exempt from dipping when certified free of scabies on OCVI.4. Dairy goats and dairy sheep over 6 months of age must be negative to an official tuberculin test and an official brucellosis test made within 30 days immediately preceding date of entry. Dairy Sheep and Goats entering for show purposes ONLY are exempt from the Brucellosis and TB Test requirement. Animals that are sold in public sale or private treaty and remain in Mississippi must meet the Brucellosis and TB Test requirement. 5. All sheep and goats for immediate slaughter shall be consigned to a recognized slaughtering establishment on either an OCVI or permit or waybill or inspection certification from federally inspected stockyards. In either instance, a copy shall accompany sheep and goats and a copy shall be forwarded to the State Veterinarian of Mississippi. 6. Animals from "non-consistent" states may only enter if from a Scrapie Certified Flock with prior entry permit from the state veterinarian. 2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-108
Miss. Code Ann . § 69-15-3.