2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-113.05

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-12-113.05

Poultry Exhibitions and Sales:

1. Persons conducting and participating in poultry exhibitions shall comply with the following:
a. Any individuals or organizations planning to have a poultry exhibit (show) must notify the State Poultry Epidemiologist, Mississippi Board of Animal Health, Box 3889 , Jackson , Mississippi 39207 at least 30 days prior to exhibition date.
b. All poultry for exhibition in Mississippi shall have a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days (30 days for out-of-state birds) of the date of exhibitions. All out-of-state birds must be tested by an authorized testing agent of that State. All Mississippi owned birds must be tested by a State Poultry Epidemiologist, or by an agent certified by a State Poultry Epidemiologist. The certified testing agent may charge a nominal fee for the testing service.
c. Poultry for exhibition shall not have been vaccinated with a live virus vaccine within the last 30 days preceding the exhibition.
d. Each bird must be identified with a "tamper proof" band at the time of pullorum-typhoid test. A copy of the NPIP form 9-2 of NPIP from 9-3, signed by a certified testing agent, must accompany birds to exhibition.
e. During the exhibition, birds are subject to examination (including blood test and swabs) by a representative of the Mississippi Board of Animal Health. Birds will not be accepted which are infected with, or showing any clinical signs of a contagious disease, or are infested with lice and/or mites.
f. Out-of-state birds will be admitted provided they are from an area that is not under quarantine for an infectious disease and satisfy the requirements for this rule.
g.The secretary of each show will furnish the representative of the Board of Animal Health with a list of names and addresses of all exhibitors at the time of the exhibition.
2. The State Veterinarian may, when in the public interest to prevent disease, suspend any poultry exhibition or poultry sale in Mississippi .
3. Live poultry being sold or offered for sale at livestock markets; county, district, or state fairs; flea markets; Poultry exhibitions; or any similar type sale, must be tested by a certified agent of the Board of Animal Health. All poultry must be found negative for pullorum-typhoid disease, and identified with a "tamper proof" band, within 30 days of the sale.
4. All poultry involved in exhibitions or sales having a positive pullorum-typhoid test, or showing signs of disease such as Avian Influenza (A.I.), Laryngotracheitis (LT) or any other communicable disease may jeopardize other birds in a show or the surrounding poultry industry. The untested or diseased birds may be confiscated and/or destroyed by the representatives of the Mississippi Board of Animal Health.
5.An official health certificate specifically covering the above requirement shall accompany the shipment and another copy forwarded through proper livestock officials of the state of origin the State Veterinarian of Mississippi .

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-113.05

Miss. Code Ann . § 69-15-3.
Amended 8/8/2016