2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-106

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-12-106

Equines entering Mississippi for any purpose must be accompanied by:

1. An official interstate health certificate issued by a licensed accredited veterinarian, or state or federal veterinarian showing the name, breed, registration number, if any, tattoo or brand, if any, sex, age, color and markings of each horse listed on the certificate. Name of laboratory, laboratory number, date of test, and test results for each horse must be recorded on the health certificate.
2. Record of physical examination of each animal, verifying animal to be free of symptoms of any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease.
3. Officially recognized Equine Passport may be used in lieu of Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
4. An official copy of the official laboratory test for Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins test), certifying the animal to be negative to test within the past 12 months.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-106

Miss. Code Ann . § 69-15-3.
Adopted 8/8/2016