2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-105.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-12-105.01 - Identification

Official individual identification is an approved identification device under federal requirements that is tamper-proof and uniquely identifies the animal to the premises on which it was identified. Examples include:

1. Official alphanumeric U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) metal ear tags (National Uniform Ear Tagging System Brite tags)
2. Official alphanumeric USDA metal vaccination tags (Orange tags)
3. Official 840 tags (radio-frequency identification [RFID] tags or visual)
4. For Exhibition Purposes Only
1. Official individual animal registration identification accompanied by registration papers Official individual identification is required and shall be listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection for the following classes of cattle and bison:
1. Breeding Beef Cattle
2. All Dairy Cattle
3. All Exhibition Cattle
a. Exhibition Cattle may use animal registration number if accompanied by registration papers unless
b. Entered into a sale, in which case Official Identification Tags must be used Official Individual Identification is exempted for the following classes of cattle and bison
1. Animals Moving Directly to Slaughter
2. Animals Moving to an Approved Tagging Site
3. Animals Moving to an Approved Stockyard

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-12-105.01

Miss. Code Ann., § 69-15-3
Amended 8/8/2016
Amended 8/19/2022