Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-13-105.02 - Issuance of Certificates and Permits1. Certificates for movement of regulated articles may be issued by the commissioner when such articles:a. Originated in non-infested non-quarantined area in the State of Mississippi and have not been otherwise exposed to infestation,b. Have been treated to destroy infestation in accordance with approved procedures,c. Have been grown, manufactured, stored, or handled in such a manner that, in the judgment of the Commissioner they would not transmit infestation, andd. Have been found, upon examination by the Commissioner, to be free of any infestation.2. Permits may be issued by the Commissioner to allow the movement of noncertified regulated articles to locations outside regulated areas for particular handling, utilization, processing, or treatment in accordance with approved procedures, when the Commissioner has determined that such movement will not result in spreading of the boll weevil.3. Movement of cotton in compressed modules or as baled cotton from a quarantined zone to and from local gins outside quarantined zones shall be allowed without a permit or certificate provided that a strict trapping program is established at said gins to detect weevils going into diapause and early spring detection of weevils prior to the onset of squaring.2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-13-105.02