2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-09-02-203.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-09-02-203.3 - [Effective until 1/27/2025]

Categories in which examinations are to be given for certification:

1. Agricultural Pest Control
1(a) Crop Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in production of agricultural commodities including but not limited to grains, vegetables, fruits, feed and forage crops, and non-crop agricultural lands.
1(b) Livestock Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides on animals or to places on or in which animals are confined.
2. Forest Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in forests, forest nurseries and forest seed production.
3. Ornamental and Turf Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides to control pests in the maintenance and production of ornamental plants and turf.
4. Seed Treatment - Applies to commercial applicators using restricted use pesticides on seeds in seed treatment facilities.
5. Aquatic Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use any restricted use pesticide purposefully applied to standing or running water, excluding applicators engaged in public health related activities as specified in category (8) of this section.
6. Right-of-Way Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in the maintenance of roadsides, powerlines, pipelines, and railway rights-of-way, and similar areas.
(A) Industrial, Institutional, and Structural Pest Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in, on, or around the following: Food handling establishments, packing houses, and food-processing facilities; human dwellings; institutions, such as schools, hospitals and prisons; and industrial establishments, including manufacturing facilities, warehouses, grain elevators, and any other structures and adjacent areas, public or private, for the protection of stored, processed, or manufactured products.
(B) Non-Soil Fumigation - Applies to commercial applicators who use a restricted use pesticide to fumigate anything other than soil.
(C) Industrial Weed Control - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in the control of weeds on or around industrial areas such as lumber yards, areas around manufacturing plants, stores, warehouses, storage or holding yard fences, etc.
8. Public Health Pest Control - Applies to State, Tribal, Federal, or other governmental employees and contractors who use restricted use pesticides in government-sponsored public health programs for the management and control of pests having medical and public health importance.
9. Regulatory Pest Control - Applies to State, Tribal, Federal, or other governmental employees and contractors who use restricted use pesticides in government-sponsored programs for the control of regulated pests.
10. Demonstration and Research Pest Control - Applies to individuals who demonstrate to the public the proper use and techniques of application of restricted use pesticides and to persons conducting field research with restricted use pesticides, and in doing so, use restricted use pesticides. This includes such individuals as extension specialists and county agents, commercial representatives demonstrating restricted use pesticide products, individuals demonstrating application or pest control methods used in public or private programs, and State, Federal, commercial, and other persons conducting field research on or involving restricted use pesticides.
11. Aerial Applicator - Applies to individuals applying pesticides by aircraft.
12. Wood Preservation and Products Treatment - Applies to commercial applicators who use restricted use pesticides in the treatment of wood products for the prevention of wood decay.
13. Antifoulant Paint - Applies to commercial applicators who use antifoulant paint.
14. Metam-Sodium - Applies to commercial applicators who use metam-sodium for the treatment of sewer lines.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-09-02-203.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 69-23-109
Amended 11/2/2024