2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-08-01-105

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-08-01-105

Any non-resident vendor, manufacturer or distributor of pesticide products who has been found guilty of two or more pesticide violations within the last 5 years, whether in a judicial or administrative proceeding, shall deliver to the Bureau of Plant Industry a fidelity bond or other security in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. To secure the faithful performance of his duties under Miss. Code Ann. §§ 69-23-1et seq. no surety bond shall be accepted except from companies approved by the Insurance Department of Mississippi. In lieu of a surety bond, any registrant of whom a bond is required may deposit with the official depository of the Bureau of Plant Industry negotiable bonds of the United States Government or of the State of Mississippi, having a cash value equal to the amount of the bond required, the said bonds to be held in escrow by the depository for the maximum time for which, the registrants may have pesticides registered, or shall have pending any litigation or claim for damages suffered by any person by reason of the negligence of the principal or his or its agents in the conduct of said business.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-08-01-105

Miss. Code Ann. § 69-23-9.