2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-02-113.02

Current through December 10, 2024
Section 2-1-3-02-113.02

Processed animal waste is defined as a processed product composed of total excreta, with or without litter, from poultry, ruminants, porcine, equine, or other animals. It may be safely used as a source of nutrients in the feed of livestock and poultry under the following conditions:

1. Licensing and Processing Requirements
a. Persons or firms wishing to offer for sale, exchange or barter such processed animal waste products as a commercial feed under the Act must obtain a permit from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce before engaging in the processing, manufacturing, and selling of processed animal waste products. It is unlawful to process, manufacture, or sell processed animal waste products for animal feed use without obtaining said permit.
b. The applicant shall submit to the Commissioner and the State Chemist a description of the facilities and equipment to be used in the processing and manufacturing of animal waste products, and protocols to be followed during operation. If the Commissioner and State Chemist are satisfied that the facilities, equipment, and protocol are adequate to fulfill the requirements for the product, the Commissioner shall issue the permit, subject, however, to the condition that it may be suspended whenever the Commissioner or State Chemist have reason to believe that the approved procedures are not being complied with or that the product may contain unlawful residues as set forth in sections below.
c. Each process approved by the Commissioner and State Chemist shall result in products conforming to standards set forth below in paragraphs (2) and (3). The Commissioner and State Chemist may require the use of recording devices and thermometers and a periodic schedule of sampling and laboratory examinations, and such other records as are indicated below, and deemed necessary.
2. Nutritional Quality Standards

The product consists of processed animal wastes and/or associated litter derived from the commercial production of livestock and poultry, as more specifically defined below in paragraph (6). The product shall have a moisture content not exceeding 12 percent. Additionally, it shall meet one or more of the following nutritional standards:

a. 10 percent crude protein, minimum (including crude protein from NPN sources)
b. 40 percent crude fiber, maximum
c. 1.5 percent phosphorus, minimum
d. 2.0 percent calcium, minimum
3. Production and Testing Requirements

The product is processed by drying, ensiling, composting, physical and chemical fractionation, or other methods to produce an ingredient meeting the following requirements:

a. Salmonella - Less than 30 percent of 10 random samples of 100 grams each from one day's production run or other identifiable separate unit of the ingredient shall be positive for Salmonella when analyzed in accordance with AOAC or FDA "BAM" (Bacteriological Analytical Manual) methods.
b. Mycotoxins - 10 random 2 kilogram samples from one day's production run or other identifiable separate unit of the ingredient shall be blended together and analyzed by AOAC methods. No more than 20 ppb aflatoxins shall be present.
c. Heavy Metals - 10 random 25 gram samples from one day's production run or other identifiable separate unit of the ingredient shall be blended together and analyzed for mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, arsenic, and fluorine by AOAC methods or other applicable validated methods. Results of such analyses shall be recorded and submitted to the Commissioner and State Chemist, and kept as permanent records. The manufacturer or producer is required to submit the initial sequential testing results for heavy metals and annual analyses of the same to the Commissioner and State Chemist. These analytical data will be evaluated to assess changes in heavy metal(s) resulting from the recycling process. When necessary, limitations for heavy metals will be established if experience demonstrates that such limitations are required to assure the safety of the ingredient.
d. Feed Medications -
i. The manufacturer of the ingredient shall obtain, and maintain on a current basis, a list of the drugs used in the animals from which the waste material used as a source of the ingredient is obtained.
ii. 10 random samples of 100 grams from one production run of the ingredient blended together shall be analyzed for residues of the drugs listed by the manufacturer under paragraph (d)(i) above. If no such list is maintained, each of the drugs listed in paragraph (d)(iii)(B) shall be analyzed for by AOAC methods or other appropriate analytical procedures. As necessary, the manufacturer or producer of the ingredient shall develop a practical method to determine the amount of drug residue(s) in the ingredient.
iii. The ingredient may be marketed for the following uses:
A. If there is no detectable residue of any drug, the ingredient may be fed to all species of livestock and poultry without a withdrawal period.
B. If there is a detectable residue of any drug(s), and the level of the drug in the ingredient is no greater than the use level shown in the table below, the ingredient may be fed to all species of livestock and poultry except that it
1. Shall not be used within 15 days of slaughter and
2. Shall not be used 15 days prior to or during the food production of dairy animals and laying hens.
3. Shall not be used at levels exceeding 25 percent of the total ration.

Drug in the Processed Maximum Level of Drug
Animal WastePermitted in Processed
Animal Waste (grams/ton)
Aklomide ...................................................................................................................................... 220
Amprolium ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Arsanilic Acid or Sodium Arsanilate ............................................................................................. 45
Bacitracin ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate ................................................................................................... 4
Butynorate ................................................................................................................................... 180
Zinc Bacitracin ................................................................................................................................. 3
Buquinolate .................................................................................................................................... 75
Carbarsone ................................................................................................................................... 220
Chlortetracycline ............................................................................................................................ 10
Clopidol ........................................................................................................................................ 110
Coumaphos ................................................................................................................................... 0.9
Decoquinate ................................................................................................................................... 27
Dichlorvos .................................................................................................................................... 350
Dimetridazole ............................................................................................................................... 130
Erythromycin ................................................................................................................................... 4
Ethopabate ..................................................................................................................................... 3.5
Hygromcycin B ................................................................................................................................ 8
Ipronidazole ................................................................................................................................... 57
Levamisole Hydrochloride ........................................................................................................... 720
Lincomycin ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Melengestrol Acetate ................................................................................................................ 0.025
Monensin Sodium .......................................................................................................................... 90
Nequinate ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Nicarbazin ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Nihydrazone ................................................................................................................................. 100
Nitarsone ...................................................................................................................................... 170
Nitromide ..................................................................................................................................... 220
Nystatin .......................................................................................................................................... 50
Oleandomycin .................................................................................................................................. 1
Oxytetracycline ................................................................................................................................ 5
Penicillin ....................................................................................................................................... 1.5
Pryantel Tartrate ............................................................................................................................. 96
Reserpine ..................................................................................................................................... 0.18
Robenidine Hydrochloride ............................................................................................................. 30
Ronnel .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Roxarsone ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Streptomycin .................................................................................................................................... 7
Sulfadimethoxine ........................................................................................................................... 55
Ormetoprim .................................................................................................................................... 34
Sulfamethazine ............................................................................................................................. 100
Sulfanitran .................................................................................................................................... 270
Sulfathiazole ................................................................................................................................ 100
Sulfaquinoxaline .......................................................................................................................... 130
Tylosin ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Zoalene ........................................................................................................................................... 36

C. If there is a detectable residue of any drug(s), and the level of the drug in the feed ingredient is greater than the lowest approved use level as shown in the table in paragraph (d)(iii)B, such ingredient shall not be marketed for animal feed use.
e. Pesticide Residues-
i. 10 random samples of 100 grams from one day's production run or other identifiable separate unit of the feed ingredient shall be blended together and analyzed for pesticide residues by AOAC methods of appropriate analytical procedures ("Pesticides Analytical Methods", Food and Drug Administration, or methods promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency). Multi-residue methods for testing for organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides shall be adequate for determining if the ingredient complies with the requirements for these groups of pesticides.
ii. Action levels for pesticide residues in the feed ingredients are the same as those promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration for finished feeds.
iii. Animal wastes to which a pesticide has been applied directly (as, for example, for fly control) shall not be marketed for animal feed use until such time as the tolerance is established by the Environmental Protection Agency or an action level established by the Food and Drug Administration.
f. Parasite Larvae and Ova-10 random samples of 100 grams from one day's production run or other identifiable separate unit of the ingredient shall be analyzed in accordance with AOAC International procedures, by routine flotation and microscopic examination. The material must be negative for parasite larvae and ova.
4. Sampling and Testing Frequency, Reporting and Record Keeping

The manufacturer or producer of any such ingredient shall conform to the following sample and analysis requirements:

a. The analyses specified in paragraph (3) of this section shall be conducted on sequential production runs sufficient to establish that three consecutive daily production runs of the feed ingredient are consistently within the limitations specified.
b. Following the initial sequential testing, periodic analyses shall be conducted sufficient to assure continued compliance with paragraph (3) of this section. The frequency of testing will be determined by the results of the analyses. This frequency may range from 0.5 to 10 percent or more of the production runs and in no event be run less than once each calendar quarter. Less frequent testing will be required where the analytical results show continued uniformity and a wide margin of compliance, whereas more frequent tests will be required where the analytical results show a wide range or show levels close to the limitations established.
c. Sequential testing described in paragraph (4)(a) of this section shall again be required when the periodic analyses required by paragraph (4)(b) of this section or other information available to the manufacturers of the ingredient indicates that:
i. The ingredient is not within the limitations established in paragraph (3) of this section.
ii. Changes are made in the manufacturing process.
iii. New or expanded sources of the raw ingredients are used.
iv. Changes occur in the drug or pesticide used by a supplier of the raw ingredient.
d. All records shall be maintained for at least two years following the production of such ingredient. Such records shall document the source of waste material and levels of the drugs, pesticides, or heavy metals and these records shall contain sequential testing shall be reported to the Commissioner and State Chemist within 30 days. In December of each year, the manufacturer of the ingredient shall submit to the Commissioner and State Chemist the heavy metal analyses conducted pursuant to paragraph (3)(c) of this section.
5. Labeling

The label and labeling of the ingredient shall bear:

a. The name of the ingredient, as specified in paragraph (6) below for the particular product involved. The phrase "For animal feed use" shall appear immediately under the ingredient name. Any product not complying with provisions of paragraph (3) (c) of this section shall not be sold as an animal feed ingredient, but may be diverted for fertilizer use or destroyed. If diverted as a fertilizer, the product shall have the statement "WARNING. DO NOT FEED TO ANIMALS. FOR FERTILIZER USE ONLY" immediately following the ingredient name at the top of the label.
b. The minimum percentage of protein and fat and the maximum percentage of fiber and moisture.
c. The mineral content, if the feed ingredient contains 6.5 percent or more of mineral matter or any label claim is made with respect to mineral content, or if any mineral is added to the ingredient.
d. The vitamin content, if any claim is made with respect to vitamin content or if any vitamin is added to the ingredient.
e. Adequate directions for use as an animal feed ingredient including any limitation required by reason of its content.
f. If it contains any drug residue, the name of the ingredient shall immediately be preceded or followed, in at least half-size type, by the statements: "Contains drug residue(s). Do not use within 15 days of slaughter" and "Do not use 15 days prior to or during the food production period of dairy animals and laying hens."
g. If it contains any drug residue subject to paragraph (3)(d)(iii)(B) of this section, the statement "Do not use this ingredient as more than 25 percent of the total ration" shall be prominently displayed in the directions for use.
6. Specific Definitions and Limits for Allowable Products

All definitions for Recycled Animal Waste Products as listed in the current edition (2001) of the Official Publication of the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Incorporated, and those adopted thereafter by the same Association shall be deemed acceptable in Mississippi under this Regulation.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-02-113.02

Miss. Code Ann. § 75-45-157.