19 Miss. Code. R. 4-3.03

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 19-4-3.03 - Residents and Non-Residents
A. Except as may be otherwise provided, the Plan shall be available to residents and nonresidents of the state only with respect to automobiles that are registered in the state, except that non-residents who are members of the United States military forces shall be eligible with respect to automobiles registered in other states provided such military non-residents are stationed in this state at the time application is made and are otherwise eligible for insurance under the Plan.
B. A motor vehicle registered in Mississippi, and principally garaged in another state shall be subject to the rates, additional charges, rating rules and policy forms applicable under the Automobile Insurance Plan of the state of principal garaging, and such applicants shall be assigned to companies licensed to write and writing automobile liability insurance in that state.
C. When a vehicle registered in Mississippi is principally garaged in another state whose Automobile Insurance Plan does not provide for physical damage coverage such risk shall be subject to whichever of the following will produce the higher dollar amount:
1. The rates applicable to the Mississippi territory determined by the address shown on the registration, and otherwise subject to all of the provisions of this Plan, or
2. The rules, rates, minimum premiums, classifications in force and rating plans applicable in the state and territory where the vehicle is principally garaged, and otherwise subject to all of the provisions of this Plan.

19 Miss. Code. R. 4-3.03

Miss. Code Ann. § 63-15-65 (Rev. 2004).
Amended 4/9/2018
Amended 5/13/2022