19 Miss. Code. R. 1-41.13

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 19-1-41.13 - Attachment A - Named Storm Deductible Uniform Policy Language

For the premium charged, we will pay only that part of the total of the loss for all Section I Property Coverages that exceeds the Named Storm Deductible noted below:

This deductible applies, as described below, in the event of direct physical loss to property covered under this policy, caused directly or indirectly by wind, wind gusts, hail, rain, tornadoes, or cyclones occurring during a named storm and shall replace any other applicable deductible during that event. A named storm shall mean a storm system that has been declared a named storm by the National Hurricane Center of the National Weather Service.

The duration of the named storm occurs during the time period:

a. Beginning at the time a named storm watch or warning is issued for any part of Mississippi by the National Hurricane Center of the National Weather Service;
b. Continuing for the time period during which the named storm conditions exist anywhere in Mississippi; and,
c. Ending twenty-four (24) hours following the termination of the last named storm watch or warning issued for any part of Mississippi by the National Hurricane Center of the National Weather Service.

The Named Storm deductible shown in the Declarations applies only for loss or damage to covered property caused by wind, wind gusts, hail, rain, tornadoes, or cyclones occurring during a named storm. The Named Storm deductible also applies to any objects driven by wind which are not otherwise excluded if your covered loss occurs during the time period.

19 Miss. Code. R. 1-41.13

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 83-5-1; 83-2-3 (Rev 2011); HB 756, 2014 Regular Session