18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-I-II

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-6-1-I-II - DEFINITIONS

For the purpose of this policy, the terms listed below shall have the following meaning:

* Client is any person who inquires about or is eligible to receive services under any MDHS-DFCS foster care and adoption program or service.

* Bilingual/ Multilingual Staff is a MDHS-DFCS staff member who has demonstrated proficiency in English and at least one other language, and who can interpret accurately, impartially, and effectively to and from such language(s) and English using any specialized terminology necessary for effective communication, but whose main job responsibilities are other than interpretation. A MDHS-DFCS staff member who only has a rudimentary familiarity with a language other than English, or who has not demonstrated proficiency in that language and English, shall not be considered "Bilingual/Multilingual Staff under this agreement.

* Volunteer is any individual that performs work or provides services on behalf of MDHS-DFCS without payment for their time or services.

* Contractor is any entity that provides services directly to applicants or participants on behalf of MDHS-DFCS under a contractual agreement, which includes monies allocated to MDHS-DFCS as Federal financial assistance from HHS.

* Frequently-Encountered Language is any language spoken by a significant number or percentage of the population eligible to be served to likely to be directly affected by MDHS-DFCS's programs and services.

* Interpreter is a person who has demonstrated proficiency in both spoken English and at least one other language; and who can interpret accurately, impartially, and effectively to and from such language and English using any specialized terminology necessary for effective communication; and who understands interpreter ethics and client confidentiality needs. A person who has rudimentary familiarity with a language other than English, or who has not demonstrated proficiency in that language and English, is not to be considered an "interpreter" under this agreement.

* Language Assistance is oral and written language services needed to assist LEP individuals to communicate effectively with MDHS-DFCS staff and contractors to provide LEP individuals with meaningful access to, and an equal opportunity to participate fully in the services, activities, programs or other benefits administered by MDHS-DFCS.

* Limited-English Proficient (LEP) Individual is an individual who does not speak English as his or her primary language and who has limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English in a manner that permits him or her to communicate effectively with MDHS-DFCS and have meaningful access to and participate fully in the services, activities, programs, or other benefits administered by MDHS-DFCS.

* Participant is any person who receives services under any MDHS-DFCS foster care and adoption program.

* Primary Language is the language that an LEP individual identifies as the language that he or she uses to communicate effectively, and is the language that the individual prefers to use to communicate with MDHS-DFCS.

* Sub-recipient is an entity that receives Federal assistance which is received as a pass-through from MDHS-DFCS in order to carry out a federally-funded program for participants in the same manner if MDHS-DFCS if MDHS-DFCS were to administer the program directly, but does not include an individual applicant or participant who is a beneficiary of the program.

* Mississippi Automated Child Welfare Information System (MACWIS) is a case management system that allows caseworkers to document casework activities across all stages of service delivery.

* Vital Documents shall include, but are not limited to: Documents that must be provided by law; Notices of Privacy Practices; Consent and Release forms; Letters or notices for: visitation with children, Family Team meetings, Reasonable Efforts or Foster Care Review Conferences, referrals for services; Time-sensitive notices, including notices of court appearances, child neglect or abuse investigation and or litigation-related deadlines; Form or written material related to individual rights; Notice of rights, requirements, or responsibilities; and Notices regarding the availability of free language assistance services for LEP individuals.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-I-II

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016