Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 6, ch. 1, 18-6-1-G, ADOPTION ASSISTANCE, 18-6-1-G-XII, app 18-6-1-G-XII-B

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 18-6-1-G-XII-B - Form 430- Obstetrical and Newborn Record



[] Male

[] Female child of ________________ ______________________ Race: ____________

Family Name Mother's Given Name

Hospital Number _____________ _______________ Attending Physician _______________

Mother Infant Mother

Time ________________________________________ Attending Physician _______________

a.m. p.m. Day Month Year Infant


Maternal History:

Mother's age ________________ Blood type ___________ RH ______________

Total # previous pregnancies ____ # Premature ____ # Neonatal deaths ____ # Now living ____ Maternal disease:

Complications of this pregnancy:

Drugs taken during pregnancy:

Prenatal S.T.S.: Date _________ Results _________ If ever positive, give summary of treatment:

Maternal chest X-ray: Date _______ Results ________ HIV: Date _______ Results ________

Hep B: Date _______ Results ______ Other Significant lab. Results _____________________


Present Delivery:

Duration of gestation _______ Mo. Of pregnancy prenatal care started _________ EDC _______

Labor induced? ____________ How? ______________ Why? ___________________________

Duration of labor: 1st stage _________ 2nd stage _________ 1st or 2nd stage oxytocic __________

Membrane ruptured: Spontaneously _____ artificially _____ # hours before delivery _________

Presentation _________________ Position ______________ Type delivery ________________

Reasons if operative _____________________________________________________________

Analgesia (type and time before delivery) __________________ Total Amount _____________

Anesthesia (type and duration before labor) ________________ Amount ___________________

Placenta: Normal ___________________ Abnormal (describe) _________________________

Complications of delivery:


Infant Record:

Breathed Spontaneously (time) _________________ Resuscitation required? _______________

Eye prophylaxis ______ Blood type ______ RH _____ P K U Date _______ Results _________

T4 Date _______ Results _______ Sickle(s) Hgb. Date ________ Results __________________

HIV Screen Date ___________ Results ______________

APGAR Score ___________ One Minute; ____________ Five minutes

Describe complications (tone, color, cry, injuries, malformations)

Birth weight __________ Birth length _________ Chest circ. __________ Head circ. _________


Neonatal Course in Hospital:

Feeding: Breast only _________ Formula only _________ Breast and Formula ____________

Content of formula __________________

Progress in nursery (include weight gains or losses, feeding or sleeping difficulties, diarrhea, respiratory distress, rashes, or other significant details)

Discharge: Date _________ Weight ________ Length _______ General condition ___________

Impressions and Recommendations:

Signature ________________________

Date ________________________

Miss. Code. tit. 18, pt. 6, ch. 1, 18-6-1-G, ADOPTION ASSISTANCE, 18-6-1-G-XII, app 18-6-1-G-XII-B

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016