18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-I-XIV

Current through January 14, 2025
A.Financial Management

DFCS strives to ensure that all financial practices achieve operational effectiveness, efficiency, accurate reliable financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

B.Division of Family and Children's Financial Responsibilities
a. DFCS works in collaboration with the Division of Budgets and Accounting to propose an annual budget and any revisions to that budget,
b. reviews fiscal summaries at least quarterly to evaluate expenditures against revenues,
c. ensures that budget-to-actual variance analyses are performed after year end numbers are finalized,
d. reviews fiscal policy and the recommendations of the organization's auditors and
e. annually evaluates the executive directors management of the organization's fiscal affairs.

These responsibilities extend beyond the State Office and into the county financial responsibilities. These responsibilities include utilizing the county bookkeeping system through MACWIS and the County Clerical Handbook ( See County Clerical Handbook). The only transactions to be processed through this system will be DFCS funds that are received and disbursed. The purpose of the clerical handbook is to provide clerical and management staff a guide for the county bookkeeping system. This guide includes bookkeeping, purchasing, and property procedures.

C.Internal Control Environment

DFCS will have an internal controls system that is responsible for the following:

a. reviews by the State Auditor's Office
b. management review by more than one individual
c. assurance that management directives are carried out
d. prevention of error, mismanagement, or fraud
e. safeguarding and verification of assets
f. segregation of duties to the extent possible

These responsibilities are included within the Internal Controls Plan and Assessment, which includes a written mission statement and a Code of Ethics. The mission is to "provide services for people in need by optimizing all available funds."

D.Financial Risk Assessment

DFCS will annually evaluate the organization's financial capacities, risks, and resources needed to provide services.

E.Stable Predictable Revenue

DFCS will pursue stable, predictable sources of revenue through diversification and balance in funding streams consistent with our mission, purpose, and programs.

* County Funds Adult

* County Funds Child

* Regional Funds

* State Funds

F.Financial Planning

Planning for the current fiscal cycle is organization-wide and involves all the necessary staff members.

1. an annual budget serves as a plan for managing DFCS's financial resources
2. the budget planning process includes participation of management and other relevant MDHS participants based on:

* direct and indirect operating expenditures

* contractual requirements

* performance improvement data

* changing costs and conditions

* anticipated revenue for the program year

3. the executive director reports to the Legislature on the organization's finances including:

* current financial status and any anticipated problems

* financial planning and funding alternatives

4. financial information is routinely analyzed and the information includes:

* a monthly analysis of financial performance against budget projection with budget-to-actual variance analyses performed on interim financial statements of activities

* service revenues and actual service delivery costs

* an annual inventory of significant assets

5. the organization conducts a cost analysis of its various services and can identify

* the fixed and variable costs of each unit of service at each program and service delivery site

* the average costs or charges of treatment for identified groups of consumers

* the contribution of services to the overall revenue base

6. the cost analysis is conducted at intervals established by the organization. The information is used to :

* analyze operational effectiveness and efficiency

* monitor trends, current experiences and changes in costs

* contract

* budget for the current fiscal cycle

G.Financial Planning for Children

The Worker should make a financial plan for each foster child at least every six months. If the child is placed outside the COR, the plan must be a joint venture by both counties. A financial plan is a document that reflects the needs of the child which require expenditure of funds. These funds may include but are not limited to, allowances, clothing, therapy, school needs, health needs, dental needs, uniforms, church trips, club dues, and etc.

H.Financial Assistance Requests

Request for financial assistance for DFCS employees, family members of DFCS employees or DFCS student interns must be routed through the supervisory chain of command by telephone or email to the Director of Field Operations or DFCS Division Director for final approval.

I.Financial Accountability

DFCS is accountable for the management of its finances to the Legislature, the community, and applicable regulatory bodies.

1. DFCS provides an annual report of fiscal, statistical, and service data that includes summary information regarding its financial position.
2. the Executive Director's office and other relevant divisions of MDHS

* meets with the independent auditor to review the findings of the audit, accompanying financial information, and any accompanying management letter

* reviews and formally accepts such reports by the date requested by the auditor

* works in partnership with the executive director to promptly act on recommendations

J.Financial Management System

Positive financial outcomes are achieved through a financial management system that receives, disburses, and accounts for funds consistent with sound financial practices.

1. Annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
2. MDHS reporting system is capable of providing information that:

* is useful in making business and economic decisions

* is understandable and will aid in predicting future cash flows

* includes data about the DFCS's economic resources, claims to those resources, and the effects of transactions, events, and circumstances that change resources and claims to resources

3. Accounting practices and procedures include:

* prompt, accurate, and complete recording of revenues and expenses

* an inclusive and descriptive chart of accounts

* information on all funds, including source information and pertinent regulations

* timely payment of financial obligations

* policies for recognizing revenues and expenses

* disbursement and receipt of monies

4. MDHS seeks to conserve its fiscal resources by:

* taking advantage of tax exemptions, where applicable

* maintaining sound practices regarding purchasing and inventory control

* coordinating the purchase of goods or services among internal divisions

* using competitive bidding, when applicable, according to governing body policy and law or regulation

5. Accounting records are kept up-to-date and balanced on a monthly basis, as demonstrated by:

* reconciliation of the bank statements and subsidiary records to the general ledger within the MACWIS system

* up-to-date posting of cash receipts and disbursements

* monthly updating of the general ledger

* review of the bank reconciliation by at least two personnel in the county office, one of whom is not involved in maintaining the accounting records

6. The organization uses the accrual method of accounting, at least at the end of the year.
7. Oversight and management of the organization's accounting system require:

* a fiscal officer or clerk who is responsible for maintaining the financial accounts who has prior accounting and bookkeeping experience, and/or an accounting degree, C.P.A. credential, or other recognized accounting/financial certification as appropriate to the size and complexity of the organization

* all personnel who use the system to receive initial and ongoing training on its use

* a proper audit trail

* secure access, controlled by user ID's, passwords, and permissible logon times

8. Where applicable, the organization makes timely payments to, or provides proof of exemption from, the following taxing authorities:

* the Internal Revenue Service

* state and local employment tax bodies


* property tax assessors

9. MDHS assumes fiduciary responsibility for client funds, or disburses client or non-fee-for-service recipients:

* segregates client funds

* complies with applicable legislative, regulatory, judicial, and governmental requirements

10. MDHS provides services as a vendor and has established safeguards against over- and under-billing that include:

* an accurate account of units of services provided

* timely submission of invoices and required documents

* compliance with applicable regulations

11. The network management entity:

* has a process for verifying the accuracy of network services billed by subcontracting service providers

* maintains a formal mechanism through which subcontracting providers can appeal payment denials and that includes timely written notification of the resolution and an explanation of any further appeal, rights, or recourse

12. Contracted providers are informed in a timely manner if delays in payment of the network by the purchaser may result in delays in payment to providers
K.Department of Finance and Administration Policies

The DFA polices are documented in the Mississippi Agency Accounting Policies and Procedures (MAAPP) manual and can be accessed through the state website at www.ms.gov. The polices within the MAAPP manual have been developed to assist state agencies with the operation of the Statewide Automated Accounting System (SAAS) and other state accounting issues. Documented in the manual are fiscal policies, accounting principles, controls, operating procedures, and reporting requirements.

This manual assists management of state agencies by:

* Describing the methods for processing accounting information within and between state agencies;

* Documenting the state accounting process required so that the execution of the procedures is not completely dependent on an individual;

* Providing a training device and reference material for operating an supervising personnel;

* Providing a source of information to help eliminate uncertainties and confusion by spoken communications;

* Ensuring consistent applications of accounting policies and procedures;

* Describing the principles, procedures and forms to be used to generate statewide financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

L.County Bookkeeping System
1.General Instructions

The County Bookkeeping System will be used in all counties handling DFCS Funds. The only payments to process through the system will be DFCS Funds received and dispersed. No other funds are to be processed through this account.

2.Funds Account

The County Bookkeeper will maintain two (2) separate bank accounts in MACWIS which is used to deposit and disperse funds. In the main account are the following ledger cards:

* County Funds Child

* County Funds Adult

* Designated Donations

* Undesignated Donations

* Child's own Funds-Child Support

* Child's Own Funds-Special

The second bank account is used for foster children who receive funds from the U.S Treasury (SSI & SSA) only.

This account will contain the following ledger cards for foster children:

* Child's own Funds-SSI (SSI, Railroad, Insurance)

* Child's Own Funds-SSA

* Child's Own Funds-Dedicated

If a child is placed in a Long Term Residential Treatment Facility, and a child receives SSA funds, the county office is to retain $44.00 of the child's funds and the remainder is to be sent directly to the Long Term Treatment Facility where the child is placed. If the SSA funds which the child receives are $44.00 or less, no funds are sent to the facility and the county office should retain all funds. If the child receives Child Support Funds the same applies. The county is to retain $44.00 of the child's funds and the remainder is to be sent directly to the Long Term Treatment Facility where the child is placed. If the Child Support Funds are $44.00 or less, no funds are sent to the facility and the county office should retain all funds.

If a foster child receives a lump sum payment or back payment Social Security requests that we set up a separate account for these funds. Follow instructions from the Social Security Administration for handling of these funds.

Bank Reconciliation

Both bank accounts shall be reconciled monthly by the DFCS Clerk/Bookkeeper or designated DFCS employee. The ASWS/designee shall review, approve and sign/date the bank account reconciliations (bank statements & MACWIS reconciliations). Bank statements and reconciliations should be signed by the DFCS Clerk/Bookkeeper or designated DFCS employee and the ASWS/designee and forwarded (Scanned or faxed) to the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit by the 10th, no later than the 15th of the following month.

Note: The June bank statement must be received by the 10th of the following month with no exceptions.

Releasing SSI/SSA/Child Support Funds

When a child is released from the custody of DFCS and there are SSI/SSA funds remaining in a child's account, all funds are to be disbursed back to the Social Security Administration after all outstanding bills are paid. Under no circumstances shall the ASWS/worker release funds to a child or caretaker when there are SSI/SSA funds remaining in the child's account.

Foster children who leave the custody of DFCS and have funds remaining in their individual account(s) must have the funds returned after all outstanding bills are paid.

Excess funds remaining in Child's Own Funds-Child Support may be released to the child's legal guardian or caretaker after all outstanding bills are paid. If the child has been emancipated by the court, funds may be released to the child after all outstanding bills are paid.

Cash Receipts/Donations Log

All checks, direct deposits, cash, donations of goods must be logged in on the appropriate log daily. The ASWS/designee is required to review and approve both logs each month. The DFCS Clerk/Bookkeeper or designated DFCS employee and the ASWS/designee shall sign and date the approved cash receipt log and donation logs. Both logs shall be submitted monthly to the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit along with the bank reconciliations.

Any donations (by cash, check or goods) received in the county office from churches, civic clubs, organizations or individuals should be issued a receipt by the bookkeeper or designee. All donations should be brought to the county office by the donor(s) and logged in the Donation Log. Checks for donations can be mailed to the county office. No DFCS worker (including Family Protection Workers, Family Protection Specialists, clerks, homemakers, ASWS and Regional Director should receive donations (cash, checks or goods) in the field.

Under no circumstances shall any DFCS employee receive donations (by cash, check, or goods) for personal use; all unused donated items shall be returned to the person or entity that the donations were received from.

3.Use of Funds Approval

A request for service funds will designate which funds are to be dispersed. A service request must be made by the COR Worker in MACWIS and approved by the assigned ASWS/designee. All service requests must be entered in MACWIS before goods/services are purchased and must contain a detailed justification of why services are needed entered in the text box of the service request screen. Approval by the ASWS/designee shall not be given without a detailed justification. All service requests should be made separately according to type of service and child/client. ASWS/designee shall not approve a service request that contains 2 or more services needed or a request that is for 2 or more children/clients.


A check must not be written until proper approval is given by the ASWS/designee in MACWIS. Checks for services from Regional and State Funds are not to be written and issued until reimbursements for those requests are deposited into the county's main operating bank account, unless, there are extenuating circumstances which are deemed an emergency by the ASWS and/or RD. The funds must be available in the main operating bank account. The only exceptions are:

* Payments to Treasury, State of Mississippi for overpayment of State/Regional funds as indicated on the check disbursement report; attach the check reimbursement report and/or any supporting documentation to the check.

* Payments to the Treasury, State of Mississippi, for reimbursement of board payments using the child's funds; attach the check reimbursement report and/or any supporting documentation to the check.

The above two payments do not require itemized receipts or hand receipts. The cancelled check will serve as the receipt.

Checks require two approved signatures consisting of the ASWS and worker(s) who are on the bank account signature card. Only the ASWS and Direct Service workers may be added to the bank account signature card. Bookkeepers/Clerks/Homemakers, RDs or other DFCS employees cannot sign checks or be on the bank account signature cards. Workers who are listed on the bank account signature card shall be removed immediately when they leave DFCS' employment.

Checks must be handwritten, not typed. Checks are not to be signed unless completely filled out with the date, vendor name, and amounts. A short description of the items/services purchased should be included on the memo line of the check. Workers/ASWS should never under any circumstances sign a blank check. Signed blank checks should never be kept in a county office.

If a check is outstanding for 6 months, the vendor shall be contacted. If there is no outstanding bill or amount owed, the check may be voided. A Stop Payment from the bank shall be ordered. The check shall be voided in MACWIS.

Clerks/Bookkeepers have three (3) days after supervisory approval to issue a check unless it involves an emergency situation.

NOTE: In no instance shall a check be issued to a DFCS employee. DFCS workers shall never endorse a check made payable to a foster child or client.

In no instance shall a check for services be written to a resource parent. They shall be written to vendors only; unless written approval is obtained from the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit.

Confidentiality of checks

To maintain confidentiality of the service recipient/child, to the extent possible, checks should not identify the service recipient/child by name (this excludes checks written to the service recipient/child). The purchase order number and /or the case number/case member number can be used to cross match by notation on the lower left corner of the check.

Voiding Checks

The following steps must be taken to void a check:

* Obtain the approval of the ASWS to void the check

* Write VOID across the front of the check

* Cut out the signature line

* Forward a copy of the voided check to the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit along with the signed copy of the bank account reconciliation; and

* File the voided check with the current bank statement


All funds received at the MDHS/DFCS County office must be deposited into the appropriate bank account within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. The ASWS or his/her designee must review and verify all deposits by initialing and dating the deposit slip.

Copies of all checks/money orders received in the county offices are to be made and attached to the appropriate deposit ticket.

All foster children that receive SSI/SSA benefits must be set up for Direct Deposit. It is the responsibility of the Direct Service worker to enroll the child for Direct Deposit. Proper receipts are defined as follows:

An itemized receipt must contain all of the following:

* Vendor's name and address

* Date

* Purchase Order Number

* Itemized list of what was purchased with amount spent for each item

* Signature of person making the purchase

* Signature of the person receiving items purchased (client, foster child or Resource Parent)

* Name of child/client

A hand receipt must contain all of the following:

* Name and address of DFCS office

* Check number

* Check amount

* Name of person to whom check is made payable to

* Reason for payment

* Signature of person receiving the check and date received

Receipts are to be returned to the Bookkeeper within 10 days. It is the responsibility of the Direct Service Worker to return the proper receipts to the Bookkeeper in the allotted time.

M.Support Services

Support services are provided to foster children/clients with a variety of basic needs. They may be provided directly to the client either through DFCS staff, through the purchase of services from providers outside DFCS, or by services provided without cost by other agencies and community providers.

Support services are those services needed, in addition to the Worker direct service. Support services provided must relate to the need of the client as identified through the assessment and service planning process and needed to prevent removal from the home.

The broad categories of support services provided by DFCS are as follows:

1. Personal Needs
2. Medical Needs
3. Mental Health/Counseling
4. Independent Living
5. Referral Services

Note: Under no circumstances shall the vendor for support services be a resource parent, unless prior written approval is received from the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit.

1.Personal Needs include the following services:
a.Initial Clothing

Initial clothing is a one-time only service when a child enters custody for the first time. If a child leaves custody and returns to custody, an initial clothing allowance cannot be issued again. If there are extenuating circumstances and a child re-enters custody and is in need of clothing, prior written approval must be obtained from the DFCS Budget and Financial Planning Unit before the service is entered.

Initial Clothing allowance Limits:









13 & Over


An initial clothing allowance is not to be used when a child is moved from one placement to another. The above limits apply regardless of type of funds used.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all initial clothing allowances issued.

b.Child clothing

Child clothing allowance can only be used for a child that is in a non-licensed placement that does not receive a board payment, a child that was previously in custody or a child that is placed in a Medicaid (Short or Long Term) Facility. The limit for a child clothing allowance is $80.00 regardless of using Regional, County Funds Child, Child's Own Funds, etc.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all clothing allowances issued.

c.School Supplies

Foster parents receiving a board payment are responsible for providing school supplies for children placed in their homes based on school supply limits.

When the child is in a non-licensed placement that does not receive a board payment, school supply limits are based on the foster child's current grade level, regardless of using Regional Funds, County Funds Child, or Child's Own Funds, etc.

Kindergarten- 5th grade


6th-8th Grade


9th-12th Grade


Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all school supply allowances issued.

d.Housing, Rent, Utilities

Payment of rent and utilities (water, gas & electric bill), including deposit fees for rent or utilities. The exact service being requested must be specified in the service request text box in MACWIS along with a justification. This is a one-time service, however, if additional service is needed due to unusual circumstances written justification is required along with approval from Regional Director.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all housing, rent, & utility checks issued.

e.Home Improvement

Purchase of items needed for the home include furniture, appliances, home repair, bedding, cleaning supplies and kitchen items.

Workers cannot purchase beds, cribs, furniture, mattresses for licensed Resource Homes in order to place a child in the home. If the home is licensed, they should have the necessary items for a child to be placed in the home. DFCS may be able to assist a non-licensed relative placement and/or prevention case in an emergency situation with a one-time service with the purchase of needed items or services.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County bookkeeper within 10 days for all home improvement checks issued.

All furniture/bedding that is purchased by DFCS for a foster child is to be removed from the home at the time the child is removed from the home. This is a one-time service for an Unlicensed Relative Placement up to policy limits or a one-time service for prevention cases to prevent removal.

f.Food Needs




$100.00 (If formula is needed)



6 & Up


The above limits are not per child, they are per household. In the event multiple children are placed in the home, written approval must be obtained for the appropriate amount from the RD.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all food allowance checks issued.

g.Legal Documents

Purchase of legal documents such as birth certificates, death certificates or service of summons. Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all legal document checks issued.

h.Personal Hygiene Needs

This is a one-time service used when a child is placed in custody or for a prevention case management service to prevent removal. Allowable items include:

* Toothpaste

* Toothbrush

* Soap

* Shampoo

* Hair brushes

* Combs

* Lotion

* Deodorant

* Feminine hygiene products

* Diapers

* Diaper wipes

* Shaving items

The limits on personal hygiene are based on age and are as follows:





4 & Up


The above limits are per child.

Itemized receipts are required to be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all personal hygiene allowances issued.

i.Other Unmet Personal Needs

* Car seat

* Luggage

* Diaper Bags, and

* Any other instances where there is no designated support service listed.


Transportation is a one-time payment for bus tickets and gasoline, unless there are extenuating circumstances that may occur in working with parent/guardian to prevent removal or to reunify children with their families.

k.Special Allowances

Up to $100.00 per month, if needed, can be given to a foster child who has a special need that is not met with their board payment or monthly allowance. This is not an allowance that is given to a foster child every month regardless if they have their own funds or not. Written justification is required regarding what the special allowance is needed for and why it is needed.

If a foster child is using the special allowance for a trip, a hand receipt is all that is required, however, if a special allowance is given to purchase any other items, itemized receipts are required to be returned to the bookkeeper within 10 days. The check should be made payable to the vendor from which the items are being purchased.

l.Monthly Allowance

Under no circumstances shall counties give a foster child a monthly allowance as monthly allowances are included in board payments to resource homes and facilities.

In cases where the foster child is placed in an unlicensed placement or Medicaid facility DFCS shall be responsible for providing the monthly allowance to the child.

m.Birthday Allowance

Birthday allowances are based on the age of the foster child and are as follows:







13 & Over


The above limits apply regardless of whether you are using the Child's Own Funds, Regional Funds or County Funds Child. For a foster child under the age of 13 the check must be made payable to the Resource Parent and an itemized receipt returned to the bookkeeper within ten days.

For a foster child 13 and over the check should be made payable to the child and a hand receipt is required to be returned within 10 days to the bookkeeper.

n.Christmas Allowance

Christmas allowances are based on the age of the foster child and are as follows:







13 & Over


The above limits apply regardless of whether you are using the Child's Own Funds, Regional Funds or County Funds Child. Regional Funds can only be used if additional monies are allotted by State Office.

For a foster child under the age of 13 the check must be made payable to the Resource Parent and an itemized receipt returned to the bookkeeper within ten days.

For a foster child 13 and over the check should be made payable to the child and a hand receipt is required to be returned within 10 days to the bookkeeper.

2.Medical Needs include the following services:

* Initial medical - completed on all children entering custody

* Unmet needs for hospital, doctor, dentist, nurse, medical technician - when these needs are not paid by Medicaid or private insurance

* Private sitter

* Home health care

* Hospice care

* Maternity home care

* Therapeutic services

* Prescription glasses

* Prescription drugs/medication

* Hearing aids

* Immunizations

* Other unmet medical needs

Itemized receipts shall be returned to the County Bookkeeper within 10 days for all Medical needs.

Prior approval from State Office for the use of state funds is required before any medical services are rendered/ paid. Approval will only be granted for costs above what Medicaid will pay. Workers are responsible for ensuring that each child has Medicaid or private insurance, if applicable, at all times while in care.

3.Mental Health/Counseling includes the following services:

* Psychological evaluation

* Psychiatric evaluation

* Testing/therapy/treatment

* Individual counseling

* Family counseling

* Substance abuse counseling/treatment

* Other counseling services

The above services (Medical Needs and Mental Health Needs) can only be used when a child in custody is not eligible for Medicaid or for a child in custody who is receiving Medicaid and the cost of service exceeds what Medicaid will pay. They also can be used for a child during an investigation or a child in a protection/prevention case if he/she does not have Medicaid or private insurance.

4.Independent Living includes the following services:
a.Independent Living Stipends

The following stipends are available to youth who participate in the Independent Living Program and meet the requirements for each stipend:

* Pre-Assessment Stipend (Initial)

* Post-Assessment Stipend (Final)

* Life Skills Training Stipend

* Youth Retreat Stipend

* Newsletter Stipend

* High School Graduation Stipend

* GED or Certificate of Attendance Stipend

* College Graduation Stipend

* Youth Trainer Stipend

The above stipends require a hand receipt signed by the youth when the stipend is issued.

In addition, the following stipends are available to youth who participate in the Independent Living Program and meet the requirements for each stipend:

* Senior Year Stipend

* College Bound Stipend

* Start Up Stipend

The above stipends require itemized receipts. Also, the above stipends must be issued to the vendor(s). A reimbursement payment may be issued to an individual, including the youth, in the event a purchase was made and proof of payment was rendered.

b.ETV Stipends

* All ETV (Education and Training Voucher Program) monies disbursed require itemized receipts.

* Full time students may receive up to $5,000.00 per year.

* Part time students may receive up to $2,500.00 per year.

* Youth may receive a maximum of $750.00 for computer needs while they are enrolled in school.

* Youth may receive a maximum of $1,000.00 for transportation needs (insurance, repairs, maintenance) while they are enrolled in school.

* Youth may receive $150.00 per month toward off campus housing while enrolled in school.

* Youth may receive a monthly allowance of $150.00 while they are enrolled in school.

The above limits are subtracted from the youth's ETV monies of $5,000.00 or $2,500.00, not in addition to.

5.Informational and Referral services include:

* Housing/shelter

* Energy assistance

* Health/Education Services

* Treatment/Rehabilitation Services

* Legal Services

* Domestic Violence Shelters/Services

* Crisis Counseling

* Home Extension Services

* Civic/Church groups

* Veteran/Military Services

* Other referral services

N.Purchase Order

A Purchase Order must be used to authorize the purchase of all goods or services. A Purchase Order must be issued in MACWIS based on an approved expenditure by the ASWS or his/her designee. Purchase Orders must be signed by the ASWS or his/her designee, who approved the service and the Bookkeeper. Exceptions: Checks written to the Treasurer, State of Mississippi for board payments and 1412 over payments do not require a Purchase Order.

O.County Funds Adult

County Funds Adult are funds which may be appropriated by the County Board of Supervisors to the DFCS offices for allocation upon emergency situations to individuals and families in need. Examples of the use of such funds are emergency food needs, utility bills, medication and housing. Written justification in MACWIS is required and the funds are requested in MACWIS by the Worker for approval by the ASWS or his/her designated appointee.

* Not all counties receive funds from the County Board of Supervisors.

P.County Funds Child

County Funds Child are funds which may be appropriated by the County Board of Supervisors to the DFCS offices for child welfare services. County Funds Child may be used for a child or on behalf of a child to provide services to his/her family when the purpose is the protection and/or prevention of neglect or abuse of the child. County Funds Child may also be used for a child in DFCS custody. Written justification is required and the funds are requested in MACWIS by the Worker for approval by the ASWS or his/her designated appointee. County Funds Child must be used before Regional Funds, if available.

* Not all counties receive funds from the County Board of Supervisors.

Q.Designated Donations

Designated Donations are funds which are donated locally to DFCS offices by area churches, civic clubs or other organizations. These are donations that are designated to be used for a specific purpose as determined by the donor. Designated Donations cannot be rolled over from year to year and they must be used in a timely manner with the exception of amounts of $10.00 or less. They can only be used when the needs of a child are involved. Written justification is required and the funds are requested in MACWIS by the Worker for approval by the ASWS or his/her designated appointee.

R.Undesignated Donations

Undesignated Donations are funds which are donated locally to DFCS offices by area Churches, Civic Clubs, other organizations or individuals. These donations are not tagged for a specific purpose; however they can only be used when the needs of a child are involved. Written justification is required and the funds are requested in MACWIS by the Worker for approval by the ASWS or his/her designated appointee.

S.Child's Own Funds - SSI

Child's Own Funds SSI is Supplemental Security Income that a child in DFCS custody may receive. These funds are received when the child has been diagnosed with a mental or physical disability. These funds are used to repay the state for the child's board payment. The board payment must be paid from Child's Own Funds- SSI before any other expenses are paid. If funds are left over after the board payment is paid, this money is to be used for any other needs the child may have up to policy requirements/limits. There is a resource limit of $2,000.00 that a child may have in his/her account. If the child's account goes over the resource limit, his/her Medicaid will be deactivated.

T.Child's Own Funds - Child Support

Child's Own Funds Child Support is income from a parent(s) that a child in DFCS custody may receive. These funds are used to repay the state for the child's board payment. The board payment must be paid from Child's Own Funds- Child Support before any other expenses are paid. If funds are left over after the board payment is paid, this money is to be used for any other needs the child may have up to policy requirements/limits. There is a resource limit of $10,000.00 that a child may have in his/her account. If the child's account goes over the resource limit, his/her Medicaid will be deactivated.

U.Child's Own Funds - SSA

Child's Own Funds Other is Social Security income that a child in DFCS custody may receive due to the death or disability of a parent(s). These funds are used to repay the state for the child's board payment. If funds are left over after the board payment is paid, this money is to be used for any other needs the child may have up to policy requirements/limits. The board payment must be paid from Child's Own Funds- SSA before any other expenses are paid. There is a resource limit of $10,000.00 that a child may have in his/her account. If the child's account goes over the resource limit, his/her Medicaid will be deactivated.

V.Regional Funds

Regional Funds are a combination of Federal and State matching funds budgeted annually and allotted on a quarterly basis. The funds are allocated to each local county based on caseload, availability of local funds and other pertinent factors. Expenditure of these funds are approved by the ASWS or his/her designated appointee.

Regional Funds may be used only for services to a child or on behalf of a child. Regional Funds may be used for the following:

* on behalf of a child to provide services to his/her family when the purpose is protection/prevention of neglect or abuse of the child. This includes mental health services for a parent/guardian to prevent removal of a child from their home;

* keeping the family intact and preventing out-of-home placement of the child; or

* in the provision of post-placement services.

When provided to or on behalf of a child not in DFCS custody the intent of the provision of the payment service is prevention of out-of-home placement of the child though removal may not be imminent.

Regional funds may not be used for any medical expense of a physical nature for any child. County Funds Child, Undesignated Donations, Child's Own Funds - SSI, Child Support, Child's Own Funds-Other may be used or State Funds may be requested for medical services of a physical nature if the medical service is considered an integral but subordinate part of the more comprehensive service such as Prevention, Protection or Placement. State Funds should only be requested if the medical service is not paid by Medicaid or the cost of the medical service is above what Medicaid has paid.

Regional Funds may be used for Mental Health services such as a psychological or psychiatric evaluation, testing or therapy/treatment for a child upon approval by the ASWS.

Regional Funds may be used only in conjunction with one of the following direct services:

* Protection Services/Child

* Prevention Services

* Placement Services

Written justification in MACWIS for the use of Regional Funds is required in case documentation. The funds are requested in MACWIS by the Worker and approved by the ASWS.

W.State Funds

State Funds are a combination of specific federal grants and state general funds, which may be requested to pay for services to meet the needs of foster children. These funds are budgeted annually and allotted on a quarterly basis.

These funds are requested by the Worker in MACWIS, approved by the ASWS and is electronically routed to State Office for approval by staff at the state office level prior to expenditure.

Listed below are some of the sources of State Funds and services which they provide. This listing does not preclude the funding of other services determined to be necessary to meet the needs of a client when that need cannot be met by other funding services.

* Unmet Medical Needs (Doctor)

* Unmet Medical Needs (Other)

* Unmet Medical Nurse

* Unmet Medical Technician

* Unmet Medical Dentist

Unmet Medical Needs (other) is for all other instances that are not listed above.

Covered under "Unmet Medical Needs" (medical only) purchase of an initial examination for a child entering foster care is considered automatic and does not require a prior approval if the cost does not exceed $50.00

If the initial examination for a child exceeds $50.00, it will be necessary to request prior approval in MACWIS for the expenditure of funds.

All other state payment services requests for children must be submitted by worker in MACWIS to the ASWS for approval and is routed electronically to State Office for approval by staff at the state office level prior to expenditure. No approvals will be granted for services already performed.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-I-XIV

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016