18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-I-VI

Current through January 14, 2025

Strategic planning responsibilities include:

* envisioning and setting DFCS' strategic direction; and

* active support for inclusive, management-directed, DFCS-wide involvement in long term planning that occurs every 5 years.

The specific statewide strategic plans include:

* CFSP (5 year plan),

* APSR (due June 30th each year),

* Performance Improvement plans, Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) and Title IV-E State Plan,

* DFCS' CQI Annual Plan,

* Worker visits with child report (due to Children's Bureau by December 15th each year),

* Title IV-B State Plan,

* CAPTA State Plan,

* CFCIP, and


The Deputy Administrator shall designate a coordinator for the CFSP.

The coordinator will assemble an implementation team to develop the five year planning conference and draft the CFSP. All plans are reported through the CFSP and APSR

A.Child and Family Services Plan

The CFSP is a five-year strategic plan that sets forth the vision and the goals to be accomplished to strengthen the States' overall child welfare system.

The goals and objectives of the plan address improved outcomes in the following areas:

* Safety of children;

* Permanency for children;

* Well-being of children and their families; and

* The nature, scope, and adequacy of existing child and family and related social services.

The CFSP shall be developed by DFCS in collaboration with other MDHS divisions and an array of community partners and stakeholders. Stakeholders and partners with statewide jurisdiction or influence will be engaged at a state level strategic planning conference at which time the goals and objectives of the plan are communicated and finalized.

As a result of this process state level teams will be formed as needed. This process should be replicated in each DFCS Region in the state at which time these goals and objectives will be communicated to regional and county stakeholders.

From this process local and regional teams will be formed to develop implementation strategies and to implement practices that will lead to successful child welfare outcomes. These teams shall include, but are not limited to, those described in "Community Involvement, Advocacy and Representation and DFCS Oversight" above.

B.Annual Progress and Services Report

The Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) due on or before June 30 each year, provides annual updates on the progress made toward the accomplishment of goals and objectives in the CFSP.

Completion of the APSR satisfies the federal regulations by providing updates on a State's annual progress for the previous fiscal year and planned activities for the upcoming fiscal year. These updates should be shared with state and local CFSP team members. To complete the APSR, Worker face-to-face contact data must be provided on or before December 15.

C.Performance Improvement Plans

The periodic CFSR and Title IV-E reviews may contain findings that require Performance Improvement Plans (PIP). The federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the CRP, appropriate DFCS staff and representatives of the statewide and community stakeholders identified by the CFSP shall be engaged to develop necessary CFSR and IV-E PIPs.

DFCS will designate PIP team leaders, and for Title IV-E PIP purposes, the Director of Eligibility will coordinate planning and achievement of a PIP. The PIP team designees shall develop a work plan and schedule to ensure:

1. appropriate engagement of key DFCS staff and stakeholders,
2. development of substantive responses to areas needing improvement and
3. completion and timely submission of the PIP.
D.CQI Annual Plan

The DFCS CQI Unit reports all planning and activity through the unit's CQI Plan and CQI Annual Report submitted annually.

E.Strategic Planning Cycle
1.Five-Year Plan

The DFCS Director shall be the designee who maintains responsibility for development of the five-year CFSP. The CFSP shall be developed in partnership with the Citizen's Review Panel, communicated to and finalized by a diverse array of citizens, consumers, foster and adoptive parents, service providers, public leaders, law enforcement, judicial and legal representatives, education and health providers.

The Deputy Administrator, through representatives of Senior Management, shall initiate the five year strategic planning cycle in October preceding the required submission date of the CFSP. The senior management team shall ensure that long term strategic planning includes:

* a review of DFCS' mission, values, and mandates

* an assessment of strengths and areas needing improvement

* measurable goals and objectives that flow from the mission and mandated responsibilities

* appropriate strategies for meeting identified goals, including consideration of the DFCS's continued development and sustainability and possible need to direct, eliminate, or expand service to changing community demographics and needs.

The Citizen's Review Panel shall be engaged in the strategic planning process no later than January preceding the CFSP June submission. The diverse group representative of state level systems or domains shall be engaged in the process no later than March preceding the submission date. Diverse groups representative of regional and county level systems or domains shall be engaged in the process no later than April preceding the submission date.

The five year strategic plan or CFSP shall include a review of a demographic profile of the service population of children and families. This profile should include economic indicators, gender, age, unique cultural attributes, racial/ethnic composition, appropriate services based on religious affiliation and language(s) of choice. This demographic profile may utilize DFCS data and may draw from findings from other external needs assessments.

2.Yearly Strategic Plan

The Deputy Administrator shall convene an annual strategic planning meeting of the senior management team in January each year. Purposes of this strategic planning meeting include, but are not limited to the following:

* provide team members updated organizational charts, succession rosters, descriptions of program functions, team members' roles and responsibilities and a projected schedule for administrative team meetings,

* review annual status reports of case and systemic outcomes, using data from the most recent annual and monthly reporting periods,

* review, and modify as needed, strategies to address case and systemic outcomes,

* review current services available and to assess the effectiveness of these services,

* identify needed services and develop strategies to secure or develop these services,

* review and develop strategies for successful engagement of stakeholders,

* provide clarifications of policy and procedures and to identify the need for changes or additions to policy,

* develop presentations of data and outcomes to share with the Citizen's Review Panel and other regional and local planning and implementation teams,

* collect information which will contribute to the development of a comprehensive APSR, and

* assess workload management effectiveness and strategies, and to certify the validity of active cases

During the annual strategic planning meeting the current year's APSR shall be reviewed and plans for the annual update should be initiated. The Citizen's Review Panel shall be invited to participate in the annual strategic planning meeting.

3.Ongoing Strategic Planning

DFCS shall develop state, regional and local Implementations Teams as needed to address outcomes identified pursuant to the strategic planning process. Ongoing feedback shall be provided through the CQI process and other system sources of data. Stakeholders shall be engaged to participate in planning, implementation and feedback.

18 Miss. Code. R. 6-1-A-I-VI

Amended 5/7/2015
Amended 5/29/2015
Amended 8/29/2015
Amended 11/28/2015
Amended 6/23/2016
Amended 7/31/2016