Pathways to excellence for the workforce builds on the significant investments States and Territories have made in the area of professional development systems to ensure a well-qualified workforce with opportunities for growth from entry level through master teacher, with an increasing emphasis on the many additional roles in the child care system (e.g. adult educators such as consultants, technical assistance providers, trainers, and higher education faculty). In this section, States and Territories provide a self-assessment on current professional development and workforce activities and describe their goals for the upcoming Biennium.
For purposes of this section, States and Territories will respond according to five key elements for workforce systems:
Mississippi is beginning to engage in discussions surrounding these activities through the work of the Mississippi Early Childhood Advisory Council. At this time the Lead Agency supports access to professional development by funding the Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral Network and other programs to offer professional development training offered at no cost to participants.
Definition - For purposes of this section, core knowledge and competencies (CKCs) refers to the expectations for what the workforce should know (content) and be able to do (skills) in their role working with and/or on behalf of children and their families. These CKCs provide a foundation for professional development design (including instructional practices) and other quality improvement efforts.
[] Yes
* No, the State/Territory has not developed core knowledge and competencies. Skip to question 3.4.2.
[] Other. Describe______
If yes, insert web addresses, where possible: _________
[] Child growth, development and learning
[] Health, nutrition, and safety
[] Learning environment and curriculum
[] Interactions with children
[] Family and community relationships
[] Professionalism and leadership
[] Observation and assessment
[] Program planning and management
[] Diversity
[] Other. Describe
[] None
[] To define the content of training required to meet licensing requirements
[] To define the content of training required for program quality improvement standards (as reported in section 3.3)
[] To define the content of training required for the career lattice or credential
[] To correspond to the early learning guidelines
[] To define curriculum and degree requirements at institutions of higher education
[] Other. Describe____
[] None
[] Cross-walked with the Child Development Associate (CDA) competencies
[] Cross-walked with national teacher preparation standards (e.g., NAEYC standards for early childhood professional preparation, National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education/Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, Head Start SOLAR staff skills indicators)
[] Cross-walked with apprenticeship competencies
[] Other. Describe ___
[] None
[] Staff working directly with children in centers, including aides, assistants, teachers, master teachers. Describe______
[] Providers working directly with children in family child care homes, including aides and assistants. Describe______
[] Administrators in centers (including educational coordinators, directors). Describe______
[] Technical assistance providers (including mentors, coaches, consultants, home visitors, etc.). Describe______
[] Education and training staff (such as trainers, CCR&R staff, faculty). Describe______
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] Birth-to-three Three-to-five
[] Five and older ___
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
Definition - For purposes of this section, career pathways (or career lattice) defines the options and sequence of qualifications and ongoing professional development to work with children. Career pathways assist professionals in understanding their career options and identify steps for advancement for the workforce recognizing and rewarding higher levels of preparation and mastery of practice to promote higher quality services for children.
[] Yes. Describe_____
* No, the State/Territory has not developed a career pathway. Skip to question 3.4.3.
Insert web addresses, where possible:____
[] Staff working directly with children in centers, including aides, assistants, teachers, master teachers. Describe_____
[] Providers working directly with children in family child care homes, including aides and assistants. Describe___
[] Administrators in centers (including educational coordinators, directors). Describe________
[] Technical assistance providers (including mentors, coaches, consultants, home visitors, etc.). Describe_________
[] Education and training staff (such as trainers, CCR&R staff, faculty). Describe
[] Other. Describe____
[] None
[] Infants and toddlers
[] Preschoolers
[] School-age children
[] Dual language learners
[] Children with disabilities, children with developmental delays, and children with other special needs
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] Voluntary guide and planning resource
[] Required placement for all practitioners and providers working in programs that are licensed or regulated in the State/Territory to serve children birth to 13
[] Required placement for all practitioners working in programs that receive public funds to serve children birth to 13
[] Required placement for adult educators (i.e., those that provide training, education and/or technical assistance)
[] Required placement for participation in scholarship and/or other incentive and support programs
[] Required placement for participation in the QRIS or other quality improvement system
[] Other. Describe ________
[] None
[] Yes. If yes, describe_____
[] No
Definition - For purposes of this section, professional development incorporates higher education, training and technical assistance. Higher education capacity refers to capability of the higher education system to meet the needs of the diverse workforce including the provision of content that addresses the full range of development and needs of children. Training and technical assistance capacity refers to capability of the training and technical assistance system to meet the needs of the diverse workforce including the provision of content that addresses the full range of development and needs of children. Early childhood includes infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
[] Yes. If yes, describe______
* No
[] Yes. If yes, describe
* No
* Standards set by the institution
* Standards set by the State/Territory higher education board
[] Standards set by program accreditors
[] Standards set by State/Territory departments of education
[] Standards set by national teacher preparation accrediting agencies
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] Training approval process. Describe______
* Trainer approval process. Describe All T&TA staff are evaluated by supervisors monthly.
[] Training and/or technical assistance evaluations. Describe
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] Yes. If yes, describe______
* No
[] Yes. If yes, describe______
* No
Definition - For purposes of this section, access to professional development (training, education and technical assistance) refers to the degree to which practitioners are made aware of, and receive supports and assistance to utilize, professional development opportunities.
* Yes. If yes, for which sectors?
* Child care
* Head Start/Early Head Start
* Pre-Kindergarten
[] Public schools
* Early intervention/special education
[] Other. Describe______
[] No
* Yes. If yes, describe
This information is disseminated through the Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral Network.
[] No
Insert web addresses, where possible:
* Scholarships. Describe Scholarships are offered to providers in order to attain a CDA
* Free training and education. Describe All training and technical assistance is offered free of charge to all participants.
[] Reimbursement for training and education expenses. Describe___
[] Grants. Describe_____
[] Loans. Describe______
[] Loan forgiveness programs. Describe______
[] Substitute pools. Describe______
[] Release time. Describe______
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] Yes. If yes, describe___
* No
* Yes. If yes, describe
The Lead Agency funds several programs that provide mentoring and coaching to the workforce. Programs include the MS Child Care Resource and Referral Network, Allies for Quality Care, CDA Scholarship Program, Nurturing Homes Initiative, Partners for Quality Care and Project PREPARE.
[] No
Definition - For purposes of this section, rewards for education and training refers to any financial supports provided to practitioners for participating in and completing education or training or for increasing compensation.
[] Yes. If yes, describe____
* No
* Yes. If yes, describe One time bonuses are provided to individuals who complete their Child Development Associate certification through the use of SAC Head Start ARRA funds.
[] No
[] Yes. If yes, describe_____
* No
[] Yes. If yes, describe______
* No
What data elements, if any, does the State/Territory currently have access to related to the child care dworkforce? What, if any, does the State/Territory use for performance measures on professional development and workforce initiatives? The purpose of these questions is for Lead Agencies to provide a description of their capacity to provide information, not to require Lead Agencies to collect or report this information. For any data elements checked in (a) below, Lead Agencies may provide an optional description about the data they have access to (e.g., the Lead Agency may have data for only licensed programs, only programs caring for children receiving CCDF subsidies, only providers participating in quality improvement systems, or only for certain age groups (e.g., infants and toddlers or school-age children).
* Data on the size of the child care workforce. Describe (optional)_______
[] Data on the demographic characteristics of practitioners or_____
[] providers working directly with children. Describe (optional)
* Records of individual teachers or caregivers and their qualifications. Describe (optional)______ ______
[] Retention rates. Describe (optional)
[] Records of individual professional development specialists and their qualifications. Describe (optional)______
[] Qualifications of teachers or caregivers linked to the programs in which they teach. Describe (optional)______ ______
* Number of scholarships awarded . Describe (optional)
[] Number of individuals receiving bonuses or other financial rewards or incentives. Describe (optional)______
[] Number of credentials and degrees conferred annually. Describe (optional)______
[] Data on T/TA completion or attrition rates. Describe (optional)
[] Data on degree completion or attrition rates. Describe (optional)
[] Other. Describe____
[] None
Definition For purposes of this section, a workforce data system refers to a system, such as a workforce registry, that tracks the size and characteristics of the child care workforce, including longitudinal data to monitor changes over time. The data system also can produce records to validate and verify qualifications or ongoing professional development for licensing, accreditation, QRIS, wage incentives, and credentials.
[] Yes.
[] Staff working directly with children in centers, including aides, assistants, teachers, master teachers. Describe______
[] Providers working directly with children in family child care homes, including aides and assistants. Describe
[] Administrators in centers (including educational coordinators, directors). Describe______
[] Technical assistance providers (including mentors, coaches, consultants, home visitors, etc.). Describe
[] Education and training staff (such as trainers, CCR&R staff, faculty). Describe______
[] Other. Describe______
[] None
[] all practitioners working in programs that are licensed or regulated by the State/Territory to serve children birth to 13?
[] all practitioners working in programs that receive public funds to serve children birth to age 13?
* No
The Lead Agency is currently participating in the work of the State Early Childhood Advisory Council. This Council has taken on workforce development as one of its priorities.
In this section, Lead Agencies are asked to identify at least one goal for the upcoming biennium and are encouraged to identify no more than five priority goals total. ACF will target technical assistance efforts to help Lead Agencies achieve their goal(s). Lead Agencies may include existing goals (e.g., already identified in a State strategic plan or established by the Governor for a Lead Agency). Lead Agencies are not required to establish a goal for each sub-section in 3.4. Lead Agencies will report progress and updates on these goals in the annual Quality Performance Report (Appendix 1), including any barriers encountered.
What are the State/Territory's goals for the building the professional development system and improving conditions for the workforce in the coming biennium? What progress does the State/Territory expect to make across the five key elements for the workforce and professional development system described above?
Note - When identifying your goals below, Lead Agencies are encouraged to begin with an action verb reflecting the desired result over the two year period (e.g., Increase, Improve, Build, Align, Implement, Review, Revise, Streamline, Expand, etc.)
Goal 1 - Improve functionality of a professional development tracking system that allows for greater knowledge about the workforce.
Goal 2 - Determine retention rates of professionals in the workforce with a degree. Goal 3 - Build a single system for trainers and technical assistants in all Lead Agency funded programs to use.
Goal 4 Initiate efforts to develop standards and competencies for trainers and technical assistants.
Goal 5 Review data related to training and technical assistance programs to identify gaps, and opportunities for expansion of support.
18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-3.4