The parent(s) of each eligible child who receives or is offered financial assistance for child care services has the option of either enrolling such child with a provider that has a grant or contract for the provision of service or receiving a child care certificate. (658E(c)(2)(A), § 98.15(a)).
[] Before parent has selected a provider
* After parent has selected a provider
[] Other. Describe
All referred clients are supported in selecting an approved provider at the time of referral. This supports the Lead Agency in providing the fastest service possible for the state's most vulnerable populations. Non-referred clients who are determined eligible are mailed a certificate and asked to return it with provider information.
[] Certificate form provides information about choice of providers
* Certificate is not linked to a specific provider so parents can choose provider of choice
* Consumer education materials (flyers, forms, brochures)
* Referral to child care resource and referral agencies
* Verbal communication at the time of application
[] Public Services Announcement
* Agency Website:
[] Community outreach meetings, workshops, other in person activities
[] Multiple points of communication throughout the eligibility and renew process
[] Other. Describe______
* Authorized provider(s)
* Authorized payment rate(s)
* Authorized hours
* Co-payment amount
* Authorization period
* Other. Describe Parent and child identifying information. See attachment.
Approximately 75% of subsidy funds are dispersed through certificates. Remaining subsidy funds are dispersed through slots.
* Yes. If yes, describe the type(s) of child care services available through grants or contracts, the process for accessing grants or contracts, and the range of providers that will be available through grants or contracts: The Lead Agency has non-competitive subgrants with various entities to provide child care slots to children and families. These subgrants are administered by the City of Jackson, City of Starkville, City of Vicksburg, Hancock County Human Resources Agency, Hinds Community College, (Sanderson Farms, Inc., - Business Sponsored), Midtown Partners and the United Way of the Capital Area.
[] No. If no, skip to 2.6.3.
* Increase the supply of specific types of care
* Programs to serve children with special needs
[] Wrap-around or integrated child care in Head Start, Early Head Start, pre-k, summer or other programs
* Programs to serve infant/toddler
* School-age programs
* Center-based providers
[] Family child care providers
[] Group-home providers
[] Programs that serve specific geographic areas
[] Urban
[] Rural
[] Other. Describe______
* Support programs in providing higher quality services
* Support programs in providing comprehensive services
[] Serve underserved families. Specify:______
[] Other. Describe______
* Yes.
[] No, and identify the localities (political subdivisions) and services that are not offered:______
All rates are based on rates published by the Lead Agency and are determined based on total budget allotment and cost of care.
Approximately 25% of subsidy funds are dispersed through grants/contracts.
Check the strategies that will be implemented by your State/Territory.
[] Signed declaration
[] Parent Application
[] Parent Orientation
* Provider Agreement
[] Provider Orientation
[] Other. Describe:______
Will the Lead Agency limit the use of in-home care in any way?
* No
[] Yes. If checked, what limits will the Lead Agency set on the use of in-home care? Check all limits the Lead Agency will establish.
[] Restricted based on minimum number of children in the care of the provider to meet minimum wage law or Fair Labor Standards Act
[] Restricted based on provider meeting a minimum age requirement
[] Restricted based on hours of care (certain number of hours, non-traditional work hours)
[] Restricted to care by relatives
[] Restricted to care for children with special needs or medical condition
[] Restricted to in-home providers that meet some basic health and safety requirements
[] Other. Describe______
The Lead Agency maintains records of provider complaints. Substaniated reports are available upon request to the Lead Agency.
18 Miss. Code. R. 5-1-2.6