18 Miss. Code. R. 26-4-L

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-26-4-L - Media and Monitoring Law And Regulations Media

Representatives of the Office should keep the State Long-Term Care Facilities Ombudsman informed about local media events. Document every interview and/or press release at each long-term care facility in WellSky as "Work with Media (Press Release)" under Program Activities, including the facility name, consultation topic, time spent, travel time and other NORS required fields. Activity Comments are also strongly encouraged as to provide more detail.

The consultation topics include:

* Adult Protections

* Advance Directives

* Aging

* Behaviors

* Communications

* Community Services

* Complaint Process

* Developmentally Disabled

* Elderly Abuse

* Family

* Legal

* Long-term Care

* Medicaid

* Medicare

* Mental Health

* Ombudsman Services

Monitoring/work on laws and regulations

Document in WellSky as "Monitoring/work on laws, regulations" under Program Activities for contact with the Health Department regarding making a complaint/referral and reviewing survey results. One must include the facility name, number of contacts (if applicable), time spent, and other NORS required fields. Activity Comments are highly recommended. A single press release given to multiple outlets counts as one press release for NORS reporting.

This section relates to time spent working with other agencies and individuals, both inside and outside of government, on laws, regulations, policies and actions to improve the health, welfare, safety and rights of long-term care residents. The Ombudsman program should assure that the interests of residents are represented to governmental agencies and policy-makers. Examples of issues advocacy activities include:

* Educating advocacy groups, governmental agencies, and policy-makers regarding the impact of laws, policies, or practices on long-term care residents;

* Seeking modifications of laws, regulations, and other government policies and actions, pertaining to the rights and well-being of residents;

* Facilitating the ability of the public to comment on such laws, regulations, policies and actions;

* Participating in a task force to study a long-term care issue and recommend solutions;

* Participating in a public hearing relating to a long-term care issue; and

* Providing information on a proposed law, regulation, or other public policy change related to long-term care.

18 Miss. Code. R. 26-4-L

Adopted 4/12/2019